Hi all, long time no see. Just interested to see if any of you play League and what division and stuff you are cause thats what I'm playing now rather than being on the server. (EUW ofc)
League of Legends? What a casual game. Real hardcore gamers play Dota 2. PickachuKrew - Bronze III - I'm like Doublelift, i'm trash.
Coolskimmpy- Bronze III- started from the bottom now i'm here (was bronze 5 then got to bronze 2 because i went mlg and now i'm average again)
As someone who doesn't have a clue about league, that entire sentence sounded like complete gibberish
My name on that is MNDude, never played it I just stole the username in case I decide to. Also come back and say hi sometime. Look who is the one with a crush now Fill. :3