I found a house near my shop with half its sheep barn missing and a rainbow herd of sheep scattering around the area. Me, Angeleigh, and Nimnom rounded most of them up and fenced them in. This is what the sheep had to say afterwards...
Thatguy decided to afk on my farm. So....I made him a british war bunker. Tooo war!!!! [/url][/IMG] Invisible crafting tables at spawn? No particles of invisibility? What is this madness??
After a wither possessed the body of Serite and plunged the world in darkness. A band of heros made their way to the trailer park to defeat the evil that had made a home there. Congrats to all those who took part in this event and returned the trailer park back to its usual (griefed) self.
The Archer Towers (gettit, ha ha i'm so punny) One of the... less than effective enemies And the BAND OF HEROES (actually just a bunch of semi normal individuals who were bored)
Apparently this room is now Serite's. Totally can't see the proof of this being gabi's room anymore. XD