Creative New Rank Should Be Added: Technician

Discussion in 'Creative Server Suggestions' started by Sahib, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. Sahib

    Sahib Member

    May 10, 2015
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    People who like to Redstone on Creative would get the Engineer rank.
    But what about Architect? The next step up, Architect is completely build based, and you can't get it with just redstone.
    That's why I think there should be a new rank, a rank with the same commands, and level as Architect, but you can get it with redstone.
    I think it should be Technician.
    Technician would be exactly like Architect, but with one major
    difference. The only way to get it is with superb redstone. Like, really superb, better than Engineer by a mile.
    That way, Engineers also have an Architect style rank.
    You may ask, "Well, do we really need it?"
    Well, it's just for the redstoners on this server.
    Technician Perks:
    - all the commands of Architect
    - A slightly brighter Engineer color username
    - Engineers would not be sad
    So, I think we should add this rank in the Creative server.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Cookie Cookie x 1
  2. Marshall

    Marshall Survival Staff

    Sep 14, 2012
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    I have to completely disagree with all of this. Architects do not have a rank color as they have /nick and can choose whatever color name they want. so the major difference is gone. On the wiki it says build anything awesome, redstone creations fall under that category. If I am wrong about that then this should be about being able to get architect with redstone contraptions. There is no need to create a new rank just for a different name.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Sahib

    Sahib Member

    May 10, 2015
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    Oh. Well I thought you couldn't. So, lol.
    off to start my architect
  4. DeadLocked

    DeadLocked Active Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    As Marshall said, there would be no way of adding essential commands because archi already has every player commands.
  5. Sahib

    Sahib Member

    May 10, 2015
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    Well then we could add Technician-only redstone related commands.
    I don't really have any ideas.
    But like /fixredstone would fix any errors in your redstone. Or something like that.
  6. imme

    imme Well Known Member

    Jan 17, 2012
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    More than one rank can have the save set of commands...

    And as a general response to this rank suggestion, I think it's a good idea. We have designer/engineer so why not architect/(redstone rank)? I guess the architect is like the top of the pyramid for ranks on creative.

    Although, you could argue that the redstone rank would not require to focus on getting every single detail just right like architect does and would allow you to focus more on the grand scheme of things creating some huge redstone thing... If that makes any sense

    Essentially, you could really argue for or against the rank
  7. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    I could easily be wrong about this, but a plugin to "fix redstone" (I assume your referring to clocks and such) seems like it would be very difficult to code. How would the plugin know what is and what isn't supposed to be a clock?
  8. Oryxxa

    Oryxxa New Member

    Apr 26, 2015
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    I don't see a huuuge problem with it. The designer/engineer rank is basically good build/redstone, rollercoaster or parkour so for architect/technician, bad ass build/ bad ass redstone or parkour (leaving out rollercoaster since they're pretty basic)
    But this is just my opinion. I don't know any commands you could use for redstone, which is a big part of architect, since you get every player command. Of any staff were to consider it, I'd maybe look up redstone related plugins. Having redstone commands, which I doubt there would be any.. But maybe :p (And NO, i am NOT saying staff should add this and that it will be, just suggestions)