Fermi's Trivia Tourney (part 2)

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Wrathyio, Jul 20, 2015.

  1. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Before attempting a response, please read the rules and how the game works.

    —1) Ensure that you have fully addressed the question(s).
    —2) Ensure that your grammar is easy to understand.
    —3) Ensure that your answer is not ambiguous such that more than one interpretation can be drawn from it.
    —4) Please number your answers accordingly with their respective questions. You do not need to copy and paste the questions.
    —5) Do not use any resource to aid you in answering these questions.
    —6) You cannot attempt to answer a question more than once. If you did not answer all of the questions in your first message, you can attempt to answer ones you have not attempted in another message.
    —7) Remember that this game is just for fun. There will be some questions that may seem difficult, and others that may seem easier.

    How the Game Works
    A set of questions will be given to you. You can attempt to answer any amount or combination of them. You do not have to answer all of them. If you are the first person to answer a particular question correctly, you win an MCS prize that I had assigned to each question. Some questions will have better prizes than others, but none of the prizes will be bad. I will reply to your answer saying what you got correct and what you won. For instance, 1000 GN or a stack of diamonds. I will mark the questions that have been answered correctly as answered, so make sure that you aren't answering questions that no longer need to be answered. I will post saying when there is an hour remaining for any further attempts.
  2. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Questions (Part 2)

    1) On what day of what month of what year did the Sonderbund War end? - answered correctly by BC519.

    2) What comes next in the sequence?
    Line Segment, Square, Cube, ?
    (There are 2 likely answers - you must choose the technically correct answer.) - answered correctly by Villa7.

    3) Convert this base-31 number to base-32 using only pencil, paper, and a calculator for basic calculations:

    4) What phenomenon explains why beads of water seemingly levitate or skid across very hot surfaces? - answered correctly by watkinni1.

    5) Identify the musical symbol:
    - answered correctly by Marshall.

    6) If you have 2 metronomes that are set to the same speed but you turn them on at different times, they tick at a constant rate but stay out of sync. If you place these metronomes on a plank of wood that has 2 cans on their side beneath it (so the plank can roll side-to-side freely), the metronomes gradually synchronize. Explain why this happens (weak explanations will not suffice).

    #2 Wrathyio, Jul 20, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2015
  3. Marshall

    Marshall Survival Staff

    Sep 14, 2012
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    5. Coda
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Congratulations to Marshall for answering question 5 correctly! You've won 250 GN!
  5. watkinni1

    watkinni1 Active Member

    Aug 6, 2012
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    1) December 25th
    2) Hypercube
    3) 7 (This one was really easy)
    4) It is the Liesenforst effect which explains why water droplets levitate on hot surfaces. I don't remember why because I forgot everything I learned in school over the past two months
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Congratulations to watkinni1 for answering question 4 correctly! You've won 300 GN!
    #6 Wrathyio, Jul 20, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2015
  7. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    1.) Monday, November 29th, 1847
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Congratulations to BC519 for answering question 1 correctly! You've won 100 GN!
  9. Villa7

    Villa7 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    2) Tesseract
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Congratulations to Villa7 for answering question 2 correctly! You've won 200 GN!
  11. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Time's up. In-depth answers will be posted soon! Check back sometime for part 3.
  12. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Answers to Questions (Part 2)

    1) On what day of what month of what year did the Sonderbund War end? - answered correctly by BC519.
    The Sonderbund War was a civil war that took place in Switzerland (yeah, you read that right), and took place from November 3 to November 29 of 1847.


    2) What comes next in the sequence?
    Line Segment, Square, Cube, ?
    (There are 2 likely answers - you must choose the technically correct answer.) - answered correctly by Villa7.

    If you noticed the pattern in this sequence, you'll notice that each term adds a new dimension. A line segment is one-dimensional, a square is two-dimensional, and a cube is three-dimensional. So you ask yourself, "What is the 4-dimensional shape that follows the sequence?" The formal name for this shape is a tesseract, though it is also called a hypercube. A line can be thought of as a bunch of points next to each other. A square can be thought of as a bunch of lines placed side-by-side. A cube can be thought of as a bunch of squares stacked on top of one another. A tesseract can be thought of as a bunch of cubes folded within each other. This is going to seem a little hard to grasp, especially considering that humans can only see in two dimensions, but here is a tesseract:


    3) Convert this base-31 number to base-32 using only pencil, paper, and a calculator for basic calculations:

    This question requires a little bit of time to solve. In order to solve this, you would have to convert the number to base-10, and then you would have to convert the base-10 number to base-32. There is a lot of room for error when solving this, but if you do it correctly, you'll find that the resultant base-32 number is MINECRAFTSERVER. Initially, I was going to make this MINECRAFTSERVER.COM, but I figured that it was difficult enough as is.

    4) What phenomenon explains why beads of water seemingly levitate or skid across very hot surfaces? - answered correctly by watkinni1.
    This is a fun one. Sometime when you're feeling experimental, get a pan and heat it up as hot as your stovetop will go. Once it's hot, get about a teaspoon of cold water and gently drop it on the hot surface. You'll notice that the beads of water skid around and bounce off the sides. This is called the Leidenfrost effect. The water droplets begin to boil rapidly and thus form a thin pocket of air between the droplet and the surface, allowing them to hover across the surface.


    5) Identify the musical symbol:
    - answered correctly by Marshall.

    This is called a coda. A coda indicates that a musical piece is coming to an end, especially when the piece is repeated several times. Upon reaching a certain point in the musical piece, the coda can also indicate to skip to the end of the piece if playing the final repetition.

    6) If you have 2 metronomes that are set to the same speed but you turn them on at different times, they tick at a constant rate but stay out of sync. If you place these metronomes on a plank of wood that has 2 cans on their side beneath it (so the plank can roll side-to-side freely), the metronomes gradually synchronize. Explain why this happens (weak explanations will not suffice).

    When metronomes are placed on the ground, they cannot transfer anything or "communicate" with one another because the momentum of the metronomes' pendulums are absorbed through the ground (static friction). They are their own isolated systems working independently of one another. However, if you place them on a wood plank that is free to roll across two cans, they can "communicate" with one another. The metronomes can now transfer momentum to one another because the ground absorbs much less of the momentum, and the metronomes consequently become synchronized after a short period of time. Watch this phenomenon take place in the demonstration below:


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