Something I thought was clever for architect apps on Althea (old survival map) had a team of survival staff (OSes too) and all the architects whom had been previously accepted got a chance to vote "Yes" or "No" for whom applied for the rank. Well, seeing as creative has had architect out for a while now thought it'd be a cool feature to give the creative server Architects a chance to vote on the architect application of a persona eager to become one of us themselves. I personally think this'd be a cool little ability to the architects who think one's application is capable of Architect. (Did I get the color right?) Vote Options: Yes | No It'll look a little something like this: natbyte: Dzyriq: BSPiotr: stanky2: Thr0ttie: AquaXV: AngelMcScrub: BudderUSA: Thatguy5600: Xariaxx: JohnYo: MNX: ChopHAPPYman: DatMiniAsian: c4rs: OwenClaxton: HarryTurney: AndyPipkin: StoneMoney: Baerbros: flubbyfluffer: GamerTag: DepthError: SkillzAR: What do you guys think? Yay or nay?
This has been debated before. As far as I've heard, this will not be happening in the near future. By the way, I do personally like the suggestion.
Nay, this has been discussed before and my opinion has not changed on it. This reason cost me architect on survival because most architects go inactive right after they get the rank thus taking a longer time to process applications as more people become architect. OS are active all the time, when they go inactive they resign. The number of OS stays relatively the same so there is only a few votes needed for apps to be approved. The architect voting council was a mistake on survival, I do not want to see it be a mistake on creative.
All the more reason to decrease the number of votes needed for the application to be accepted/denied. Edit: Also some Architect apps (designer and engineer apps too) take a damn long time to be accepted/denied. For example: Baer waited 4 months until his app was accepted. And as for Parr; it's been 2 months since he posted an architect app and it still has yet to be checked. Skillz also had to wait a long time too. Another Edit: Flub and I were lucky enough to have Aqua and BSP online at the time while our apps were posted for them to be checked almost instantly.
Maybe a panel with a selected few that say that they will stay active? Like OSs and Surveyors, but the most active amongst the Archis will be able to vote, or you could just decrease the number of votes needed.
That's what I suggested. And I do like your panel idea, it'd be very useful to know who's active and who's not.
However, they did get designer, and they have obviously showed enough maturity as not to completely dick over anyone in the vote. So I don't think it would be bad for surveyors to vote, since they devoted their time to helping others rather than to building.
even so it shouldn't matter, I wouldn't want a designer voting on me no matter how mature they are. I'd want a great builder
However, that would give a reason to take the Admins on survival off of the vote team. Which is actually a good idea, so that should be part of this suggestion
I think the admins were there for a place holder sort as when archi was first put in place there only 5 OS's and 0 archis but on creative it's different
This system started out well on survival but over time it just got to be to many people voting and ending up taking way to long to reach a decision. It was much harder to get architect on survival than it is on creative, and i expect the list would be huge and therein is the issue with applying this to creative. A voting council can also lead to tension and conflict, especially when a person takes it badly that you did not think their build was good enough. You can also run into favoritism and people getting voted in just because they are well liked not for the quality of the build.