I'm Not Sure

Discussion in 'Written' started by flubbyfluffer, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. flubbyfluffer

    flubbyfluffer Well Known Member

    Jan 17, 2014
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    I got bored (again), and so I'm going to write about some dreams I had and can remember.

    I: I'm with a few other people, entering a closed off building. The entire place is draped in black sheets, and somehow I still recognized it as a museum. Upon entering, the two others which I now recognized as my "friends", despite not knowing them, and I wandered about the places we could access. The entire interior of the building was black as well, but features such as doorways were still visible. One such doorway, we entered, and it lead to a desert. This desert did not have any distinguishable geographical features and it was flat for what seemed like miles. After a while, a flying saucer appears and beams down a creature that looks like the alien from the movie of the same name. It starts to chase my friends and I, running far too quickly for us to outrun it, and even if we did, there was nowhere to go. The doorway was gone. One friend was caught by the alien. I could hear their screams and bones crushing as they were devoured. Realizing we would not make it, I threw myself at the creature, allowing my friend more time to live. I died, and I could feel myself being punctured with claws and teeth. My head rolled enough so I could witness my other friend suffer the same fate soon thereafter.

    II: I am in a bed, at the top of my driveway. There is a cat-like creature with large eyes staring at me. It says that it will protect me, but then disappears. I am now in a bakery with pastel purple and pink-colored walls. My boss declares that I have failed at making pastries, and places me on a conveyer belt with many other terrified employees. We are moved down a shaft and I hear talk of how everyone hates me for what I have done. My family is also in the group of people gossiping, shunning me. There is a bright light. We reached the end of the shaft. I hear the sound of blades and a loud "thump" consecuatively. Upon reaching the end, there is a gullotine chopping off people's heads, and my friends and family in the tunnel move me to the front, where my neck is exposed. I escape with barely any time to spare, but the operator of the gullotine starts to follow me. There are large chunks of meat hanging from hooks on the ceiling. The walls are all a sickly cyan color, and the windows are fogged. I know this place is the town butchery. The room is too small to run. I am caught. From there, the operator drags me past another employee which reassures me that there is nothing to worry about, they are only going to chop my neck up into thirds. The man then places me onto a cold metal table in a small room, and raises his butcher knife.

    III: I'm on vacation on some beach with white fences and dune grass. I decide to go play in the water, where I meet a boy and start to play with him. He begins to cry. Curious, I question why, and he responds saying he just "really wanted to kiss me". After this, we kissed. I am then in a room, being tested with an orange and fortune papers. It is supposively a lesson. There are now more people... The boy from before is there, but he does not remember me, and he walks away. I do not see him again.

    I'm terrible at telling stories, sorry for that. xD
  2. Lego90210

    Lego90210 Active Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Some of these might make for good base plots for creepy pastas.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. flubbyfluffer

    flubbyfluffer Well Known Member

    Jan 17, 2014
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    my dreams must be terribly scary xD
  4. Lego90210

    Lego90210 Active Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    I've had plenty of my own, add a bit more setting, more depth, a little polish and you might just have a good scary story. Also the creepypastas don't have to be too scary, they can range from unsettling to completely insane.