[ Tom Clancy's ] The Division

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Gamer, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. Gamer

    Gamer Active Member

    Jul 21, 2013
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    This is a game I've been wanting to play ever since the BETA version was released. Well, the full game is finally out now and I'm so excited for it!

    Here's the plot of the game:
    On Black Friday, a smallpox pandemic (transmitted by a virus planted onto banknotes), sweeps through New York City. The disease, called “Green Poison”, causes widespread chaos, and Manhattan is placed under quarantine. The U.S Government activates sleeper agents in the population who operate for the Strategic Homeland Division, or Division, to assist emergency responders, now called the Joint Task Force, or JTF, in restoring order. In Brooklyn, the protagonist, a Division agent, assists the JTF before planning to depart for the Quarantine zone with fellow agent Faye Lau. However, the VTOL meant to take them there is destroyed in an explosion, killing the Division Commander and wounding Lau. Arriving in a JTF helicopter instead, the Division agents reclaim the James A. Farley Post Office Building as their base of operations. From there, the agents undertake assignments to rescue important personnel, combat criminal groups, and uncover the origins of the Green Poison. Studying Green Poison samples reveal the virus was manufactured by controversial biologist Gordon Amherst. Eventually, the agents find footage of Division agent Aaron Keeler going rogue and killing other agents. It is also discovered Keeler and other agents who went rogue along with him are assisting the Last Man Battalion, or LMB, a traitorous Private military company that is hostile to the U.S Government. Working together, these two groups destroyed the VTOL in order to weaken Division operations in New York. Intercepting a signal from the Russian consulate, the agents attempt to rescue a Russian Virologist who claims to have information on the Green Poison. However, he is kidnapped by Keeler and the LMB before he can be rescued by the Division. After helping the JTF secure supplies and weapons, the Division agents launch an attack on the LMB's base, the evacuated United Nations Headquarters. The agent finds footage of Keeler and his rogue agents abandoning the LMB with the virologist as their prisoner. The leader of the LMB, Charles Bliss, attempts to escape in a helicopter, but this is destroyed by the agent. Lau informs the agent that with most threats destroyed or weakened, New York is approaching stability, but an unknown signal leads the agent to a secluded laboratory. There, they find a message from Keeler, showing he has the technology to manufacture a new strain of Green Poison and intends to do so, and mysteriously tells the agent to explore the center of Manhattan, called the “Dark Zone”. The agent is informed that the information in the lab will further the development of a vaccine and is shown a recovered message from Amherst. In the message, Amherst reveals he engineered the Green Poison as part of his Eco-terrorist plan to decimate the human race and preserve the planet.

    (Tl;dr: An outbreak of smallpox occurs during Black Friday, causing everyone to go crazy. So The Division, a group of sleeper agents whom are activated if everything else is lost. The game starts here).

    Sit back, relax, and grab a snack, because this is gonna be a long gameplay!:

    Let me know what you think of this game.
    #1 Gamer, Mar 11, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2016
  2. flubbyfluffer

    flubbyfluffer Well Known Member

    Jan 17, 2014
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    The red hurts my eyes
  3. Gamer

    Gamer Active Member

    Jul 21, 2013
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    • Like Like x 1
  4. Greenjuice

    Greenjuice Member

    Dec 17, 2014
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    I'll just leave this here...

  5. flubbyfluffer

    flubbyfluffer Well Known Member

    Jan 17, 2014
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    The gray hurts my eyes too

    Thank you :>
  6. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    I really enjoy the game from my 25 hours of playing it, I started playing around 11-12pm GMT 7th of march and I'm level 29, haven't gone in the dark zone yet but that goes up to level 50. So far I've only had one downtime with the servers and that was when the game got released in the US.

    Here is a picture from my loot in the beta, I might post my current loot at the moment
    (also I was playing the beta with a gtx 660 so everything was on low and getting like 40fps I now have a GTX 970 so I play with high settings and 60fps+)
    As funny as I found that you only use that laptop once in the game and it never happened to me (lucky) in the rest of the game you never need to do something like this in the other safe houses so it doesn't happen again
  7. Greenjuice

    Greenjuice Member

    Dec 17, 2014
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    I know, it's just funny and actually relevant to this so I couldn't resist posting it.