Survival Bow-boasting W/ Elytra

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Blockhead, May 30, 2016.


Do you think there should be an event for this trick

Poll closed Jun 9, 2016.
  1. Absolutely, No Doubt

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yea, but needs some testing out

  3. To expensive for players to play, so no

    0 vote(s)
  4. To hard to do, so no

    0 vote(s)
  5. To Long, so no

    0 vote(s)
  6. No, for another reason (please explain below)

  1. Blockhead

    Blockhead Member

    Jan 2, 2016
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    Recently I've went across a cool concept in Minecraft where you use the pvp-tactic of 'bow boast', hitting yourself with a arrow from your own bow to try to boast yourself forward, being helpful in aquatic situations. This however takes it to the skies, using the arrow to propel yourself forward and upwards while doing so, allowing yourself to new unseen heights.
    Now I could see this as a cool event for us to do in the future however I think we will run into the world boarder dependent on the skill level of players. Considering that I, managed to reach almost 35k blocks with this strategy starting from 50 blocks from ground on super-flat being at over 1100 blocks above the ground at climax. Another thing I may see as an issue is server latency with lag, delaying deployment of elytra and possibly of the arrow being shot.
    If anyone is interested in the idea of an event vote below and also feel free to show your top score doing this trick in single player. 2016-05-30_16.31.20.png Here the picture of mine, I started from 0,0 as well, in case you where wondering

    As final note, this took around an hour, I ate lunch and came back to bow-boasting again.
    [This poll will be open for ten days if you want to vote]

    Feel free to describe how you think this will do below
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  2. Fred

    Fred Active Member

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Being able to do this trick is actually a neat mechanic. However, the biggest problem with "Bow-Boasting" (its actually "Boosting" not "Boasting") is that it's kinda impossible to do on here, in the overworld at least. In the overworld PvP is disabled. This also means that you can't hit yourrself with arrows like needed for this to be able to work. Maybe in the nether, but not in the overworld. Also, something similar to this that is possible do is use the /psj perk. If you aren't aware of it already, it is a perk that will launch you about 70 blocks high and set you into glide mode with a 30 second cooldown. It has been tested possible to be able to travel forever. While it doesn't take any skill or effort, its the closest thing to bow-boosting in the overworld
  3. Blockhead

    Blockhead Member

    Jan 2, 2016
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    I'd think the top of the nether could work considering lag