There's a revelation being spoken among staff and players, and that is the way a player will change in responce to the responciblities of a staff member. It's funny,... it took people noticing this in others for me to realize that it must be true at least in myself. I've always enjoyed helping those that need assistance or helping a player with a large project. But, I've also enjoyed pulling out the horns and making rude lil' outsiders quit after a verbal violation of their intelligence (Bad Scryer!) I'm not perfect and neither are most people, players or staff. But as I've spent my first few days as staff, learning, making mistakes, and trying that much harder to help in a staff members capasity I've come up with a theory. You should never want to have this responciblity. It should come to you as an opportunity, in reflection of your own unique ability(s) and personality. I haven't been told what it is that granted me this increased ability to help the server I love and the players I adore, but i won't question it either. I mean take a look at some of our respected Admin I could probably list the first 2 Admin named to have a mean side that would send life long staff jumping servers. But, that's not why they are where they are. It's why you do what you do that reflects your true feelings. Staff are the people who gave time, tolerated patience, and cursed and screamed behind private channels as normal players. To be a staff, is to want to go through more hell, just to make other peoples lives and the server, better for everyone. We don't need replys, or requests. Actions speak louder than words they say, even your words are seen as actions that reflect your very nature. Read my signature, and try to understand its meaning. Day in and day out, its just a game, but when the game is over and you return to your real lives, what will people say about you?
*claps.* *crowd slowly starts clapping* *crowd gives loud claps* *applause!!* *Applause and shouts* *Applause and whistles and shouts* *fireworks* Too much? :O
what? Um are you two even replying to the right forum? This wasn't about punishment or how to deal with noobz,... I was trying to share my thoughts about being a staff.
t'was a joke scryer all jokes aside; this thread is exactly how anyone who wants to be mod should be thinking. my 1 year anniversary has just passed, and I have seen countless players blurting out how they want to be a mod because they want /tpa or to jail anyone, thanks for posting this, you are truly the ideal staff member!
i think anyone saying they want to be a mod because they want staff powers should never be staff, i only want to be a mod so i can help people.(it gives me a warm feeling! )
yes, that's very true, i'm sucking up to you guys. but really, don't you want a mod that sucks up to you guys?
Suck ups are annoying imo. If they're not being themselves around you, you don't really know they're real personality.
Brayneeah360 has an emotional desire to become a mod. Because this was so inspring, he had to ask for it
sorry. i really do like helping people too, and i wouldn't really be a suck-up, i am sick of being one for my whole life, in fact, my life's a living hell, that's why i play minecraft. it let's me forget about everything else.
and the way i play in-game is my real personality, because there isn't any of this "popularity" shit you see so much in my school, everyone in this game is equal.