Yo, this is a staff pic, so.. This is what I found, on my region, when I came to my farm... A huge hole, and I couldnt call the staff when I was on... Something happened with my net connection, and my MC is fucked... So here's screenies, please check it out... I opened up the coords, so u can see them. Its just by Eireluke's town, he should know... Thanks for reading :/
Addon: I dont think this is a creeper, and I did have probs with cannon griefers, and he/she was banned. Now, this is a new prob. (I also saw a ton of new holes probably made with TNT, on the wild close to me.
This also happened, to a much larger extent, to my nether farm. What I dont understand is how my PS stone dissapeared. I think that maybe all of the map corruption may not be gone? Perhaps. [Edit] can tnt destroy PS stones as well as the blocks in a region?