7 hours in. The end is coming. Must complete my task... It's everywhere I go, on every page I go. I cannot resist, I started singing to the song around the 4th hour. I started having sudden dance spasms around the 6th hour. Only fear I got now is the possibility of the repeat function. I have tried to press the pause button, at my own discord. I seem to have been hexed, for I seem to lose all perception upon attempt. Last time I tried to hit Pause ended up with me not even having the mouse in my hand when I stopped trying. I might not even have had it to begin with. Is this perhaps the only truth? Maybe this song was always there. I am sure that I would still hear it if I took off my headset. I must spread the word of the new lord. I am eternally in servitude of this song. I will be deemed worthy of his majesty by finishing the 10 hours of trials... 7 hours in. The end is coming. Must complete my task...