Redstone can be a difficult thing for the inexperienced to learn. It is based off of circuitry used for just about anything from your great grandmother's radio to your $600 cellular phone. Most gates are named exactly the same as their real life counter part. These are the basics of redstoning. Common words used Redline or line- Means your redstone dust Torch - Redstone torch Gate - A circuit used in creating redstone contraptions Redstone Lock - Used mainly on pvp servers. Most notable one, the McAddict Lock. Clock - A line that repeats its self in a cycle. Latch - Another type of circuit, usually involving two or more inputs Input - Button press, lever flip, pressure pad depression and relief (counts as two actions) Pulse - an input action (on/off) Dust Logic Redstone dust can carry a pulse for 15 blocks. This pulse can be extended at the 16th block with a redstone repeater Gates Gates are the building blocks of redstone circuitry. We will be using a variety of the most simple. NOT Gate This gate is fairly straight forward and is used to invert a line Input side Output Side Can be used in conjunction with other gates. NOT+AND AND Gate Uses two inputs to create one output Input line Output line Can be used for games or simple redstone locks for pvp servers that use them [not too useful since x-ray is abundant on these servers.] This gate is fairly uncommon since there are better gates available for the same function RS Nor Latch This isn't necessarily a gate but if used in multiple conjunctions it can be used as a superior AND gate I use this in my primary locking system and use it for a ton of other things. Incomplete McAddict lock. The 1.0 update changed redstone. CNBMinecraft on you tube has the fix to this lock
T-Flip Flop My favorite redstone circuit. Can be used for the most basic applications to the most ridiculous applications Input side Output no power Output with power Also used in binary encoders. But that's a different session. Clocks Clocks are not allowed on the Minecraft Server due to the ridiculous amounts of lag caused by piston crusher mob traps. However If you want to experiment on single player here the main setup of a clock I use this mainly for my cobble stone generator. Will post a picture of this later. My bandwith has severely dropped. As always leave questions comment and concerns in a reply or pm in game if you need help. Regards, Brett Disclaimer: This guide is a basic knowledge guide. Made for people with little to no experience in redstone. If you are a redstoner 1337sauce, please help answer questions it helps the community grow. We didn't have a simple knowledge guide when we started. Nor is there good info on the wiki or forums. Help a fellow Minecrafter out 10 pic limit as the link says - hidden piston doors - i think this is my pretty basic tutorial i can put out one for single or double piston doors aswell
I hate to say it but you really don't go over the full scale of "basics"; only that the power goes 15 blocks and can be extended through repeaters while showing a few basic gates (not, and, nor) you don't explain how you can power blocks or how torches receive input/ and how they output or any other useful tips about wither how pistons can be wired or tips to hide wiring. This might sound nit-picky but its not much of "basics" or a guide for total noobs to use redstone you are rather demonstrating how it can be used.
When I wrote this I was focused on the main gates used in most contraptions. I, for the most part, completely forgot this. Give me a day or two to update this guide.
I can make pistons doors small light circuits etc but I can't make large scale circuits or where to start Maybe if you and kluge team up on a tutorial
All of it....Aren't Gates supposed to be theses fence things..... And What is this "redstone" when ever I need a block to move, I break it, then move it! i found a small guide on basic redstone i was going to type it up but i shall give crdit to the original writer
We have a red stone park built by Dzyriq right outside of spawn area. It's a perfect place to learn basics of redstone wiring
ah but mojo it doesnt help with circuits and how to make them - maybe we could put in some piston doors to show how they are made
Piston doors aint so hard to make. After all, pistons can be powered from 5 sides + can be powered from blocks that are powered. So its just about the placement, which is becoming easier in the 1.3 update.