I have my Minecraft updated to 1.1 but can't get on the server because it's not updated yet. question: When gets the server updated? If not how do I get back to 1.0?
Soon! Or, Find A Old.jar Online, (Or if you use winodws use PreviosuVersions to go back to it ) The Tempmap is at minecraftserver.com and Fullmap (1.0.0) is at minecraftserver.com:25566
I'm trying to get on, its stuck on 'logging in' then either says took too long to log in, or internal exception
ill be the guy who waits to play update to keep old map under control for yeah guys. i like the peace
I had the same problem as Pocnet. It said it took too long to log in. Are you able to get in, Monkey? To the 1.0 map that is.
That's temporary. Keep trying and you should be able to get on. Try restarting your internet or MC. Should work, as I had the same problem.
Alright, sounds good. Thanks, Tech. Though, on a side note, interestingly enough that seems to go against the definition of insanity listed in your signiture!