The first thing needed to make a region is you must be a settler or above. Settlers in chat will have a dark green chat name. Any chat name that is colored other than gray is eligible to make a region. To become a settler you must post a request that includes your username and a request. An example of this would be ["Hello, I would like to become a settler with building rights, my username is PlaYer5537, thank you!"] Now that you have building rights, you must travel at the very least 500 blocks away from spawn in any direction wanted. You must also find a spot of land that is not owned already by another player and is 75 blocks long and 75 blocks wide. Now that you found your land, you must make a very detectible marker for the four corners such as... First corner-----------------------Second corner | 75 blocks | |75 blocks 75 blocks | | | | 75 blocks | Third corner --------------------Fourth corner Now that you have done that, you can ask any Mod, Lead Mod, Admin, or Lead Admin, in either chat by pressing the c button and asking, or by pressing the c button and in the chat type in /msg [staff player name] [question you are asking]. You can say ["Hey, i have a 75x75 land marked, can u region it for me?"] And they should accept if they are not busy with some one else or Away from the computer. You can do this for 2 regions for free and that is all. To add onto a region you may ask a staff member to sell you a added region for an amount of gold ingots. Well, that is all you need to know! Follow these instructions and you should be fine.
sorry about the model, it was a perfect scale but something screwed up with the 75blocks signs and the | things
I'd add to this that instead of asking a specific staff member to do something it's often better to ask for "any available staff" .
First off, thanks for taking the time to write this up for the new members carson I would like to add to your post however. 1st it is best to mark of the entire region with a border 1-2 blocks high, not just the corners. This makes what your claiming very evident and ensures that it is not colliding with anyone else property especially when dealing with larger regions than 75x75. I know that I for one will not even region it until it has been completely marked off. Second, it is best to not bother admins or Lead admins with these requests unless there is no mod or lead mod logged in. Third, in addition to the 2 Free 75x75 regions you get you also get 1 free region to protect your home inside of a Town that you live in. Also seeing how as this is geared towards those new to the server and unfamiliar with what we have it may also be good to add in your post to /sethome <name> in their newly claimed region so they don't lose it when the die, /spawn, etc... *As to the question about editing your post. there is a small little blue "edit" under your post you can click on to edit.*
Umm lets not help the contestants, as I believe you dont wanna help ALL of the contestants. Especially staff shoudnt for this subject because we know what we want for a region and how to do it right and all that stufe.
bajj! i remember that 1! but stanky said something about not advertising ddnt he? Oh and thanks Exaveous, but i did those 75 blocks| things to represent a border line that they represent but the posting thing made it go to crap lol XD
I see nothing wrong with further informing people of the rules and policy's that govern our server. And since everyone can see this post it helps all who read it not just the creator of this thread. Besides I didn't even know this was a contest when i made this post ;-) I only read later that there was a forum contest going on. I would rather they learned more from this experience than to be left in the dark and not correct certain things. Ruffles can remove the post if he so desires.
The main purpose of my contest is for people to have guides to help improve the experience on the server. So its ok if people correct a tutorial, because I am judging at the end of the month. So staff and non-staff can help correct a tutorial, I don't mind cause the sole reason is for improving the average players knowledge of the server.
i c, yet i am not editing it for 1, i dont know how for sure, and 2 im just summing up it, its just about creating A region, not all spesific details about how u can make a third inside of the region and such. but thanks to all for the help and support!
Stanky, im talking about a while back when some new guy said that he was from planet minecraft, u can see it on bajj's post. oh and thanks Tech :}