Heeeeeeyoooo! Hows it going? You might know I have been playing TF2 for a bit now, and I wanted to start a thread about it for a while. So here it is. You can trade here, and you can discuss the updates, looks of the game, or whatevs :3 So yeah... I guess I gotta kick it off: Selling Strange gloves of killing.
If I re-downloaded tf2, I would have a fair amount of strange weapons, vintage weapons and misc items. If I feel the urge to re-download it I will post here when/if I do.
I would play TF2 but me is shit. ._. also if you get a new gun or something do you do different stuff or more/less damage cause i got told they dont
Not one single item in this game is better than the other forever. You will find yourself when you will need A, but after that B. The game weapons are made not to matter to the community, but merely for fun while collecting hats.
Hold your mouse over the items, They offer different stats and features. Choose the selection which best matches your play style.