Hey guys, Im going to show you how to mine effectively, if you want the big bucks! Choosing a spot: I always like to start off on the side of a cliff or mountain, so that you dont make random holes on the surface. ^Heres good Make sure you cover it up With dirt or stone can be good Knowing your layers Diamond is found at layers 2-16, so mining straight at any of those layers is ok, Never mine at layer 10, that is where lava lakes are, and you have a chance of dying. Always mine at Layer 16 Remember to dig straight Also dont worry about not finding gold, you will still find them, they are about the same level where diamonds are. Because mining via Cave system wont get you anywhere, infact of all cave systems ive been through, ive only found diamonds in 10% of them. If you dig straight enough, you will find diamonds like i have Per chunk There are approximantly 3-6 diamonds per chunk, and remember, a chunk is 16x16, so for every 16 blocks you dig out in a straight line, that is a chunk. Tips and tricks! -You can use a pickaxe for a Fortune enchantment to increase your diamond findings, 1 ore = 4 diamonds! Wow! -It is recommended to use a 5 minute Fire resistance potion while diggin at Layers 10 --Whenever you find diamond, you dont want it burnt by lava completely after you just mined it, always mine around diamonds first. -Digging a chunk out between 2-16 is not recommended, but will get you diamonds! -Always place torches when digging straight, you dont want creepers to spawn and explode on you. Now that you have those diamonds , enjoy this sunset picture while holding them
He's using the vanilla texture pack, but with this mod installed: Minecraft water shader Mod I use that mod too. So Pretty...
heh... well i guess you would not like my mine system... only thing that has torches in the main shaft. the other 1.5k block long shafts are completely dark ;P I just block off the entrance to the shaft when im done. saves a ton of torches mining on Brightness set to max.
One of my secret pleasures is placing torches in mineshafts, ionno just always the way I've mined. After awhile, using fortune on coal gets you so many torches that its just like whatever