Post your suggestions here such as perks, commands, plugins etc. Ill start: /mail - like on survival server (derp)
/give - To obtain those weird blocks //sphere, cylinder, pyramid etc... - maybe just a perk for some ranks? Sphere can be really useful Maybe some way so anti spam chills when higher ranks speak? Is that possible? //copy and //paste - Super rare perk for really good rank?
Wiiillx Builders have always had: //fixlava - Fix lava. //fixwater - Fixes Water. Also the block limit was upped to a 100 block max limit this morining. I've added the mail command to Constructors rank, this will work when the Creative server is restarted. Feel free to suggest other commands and they will be considered, however be aware we will have other ranks, these suggested commands will not all be rolled into one rank, any commands I feel fit either of the current live ranks will be added.
emil_97 What werid blocks do you need from /give? List them all please, and I may well add them soon.
Are we meant to be able to change blocks into command blocks with //set? Are we not allowed to use this? Id like to know before I start messing with it.
They don't do anything without: 1) The config option being set to true 2) Being op to give them commands
Harry's right, most can be obtained with //set but maybe spawners (even if they don't spawn mobs) and stuff like deactivated redstone torches, burning furnaces and the onlything I've missed, Turned on redstone lamps! But none of these are really important and aren't really a problem. I can add more if I come up with any
WE is awesum, but yesterday i got kicked/warned for spamming //set :S - I need to move & do some different commands b4 I do another //set C: Some good commands imo: - /speed - /j /jumpto - //stack or copy/paste - but i guess it'd allow to fuckup roads :c ^that's all I can think of atm
I was thinking of getting command blocks. I had an idea of how to use them into my creative spawn build and people could use them for other things to.
You are already able to get command blocks, but as bsp said above, they are disabled and you need op to even use it. Its true that we are able to do many cool things with them, but people can abuse it and do things like make it constantly rain.
Maybe the Overseers could disable some commands associated with the command block, such as /toggledownfall
They update once placed back to normal lamps. Im 90% sure the same happens with redstone torches that are unlit.