Or you may post a reply and tell me which one you would like staff members.. The overseers house if for the first overseers/admins to reply first. Natbyte has one of the overseers homes. Which one I dont know..
What house you want? Natbyte: ??-?? FillWerrel: 6-?? Luciano2572: 4-spawners/boat eireluke: 3-Gold ore Wiiillx: 1-Anything with stone MNPro: 9-Stone slabs/ Stone Bricks
When posting when you want one staff please post what home you want and what you like on the server / minecraft. Either or
Okay updated home lists.. What house you want? OS1: Natbyte--Monsters--DONE OS2: OS3: NeddzyNoodle--SHEEP!--DONE OS4: Home1: Wiiillx--Anything with stone--DONE Home2: TechTeller96--Technical shizzle whizzle ~(~o.o)--DONE Home3: eireluke--Gold Ore--DONE Home4: Luciano2572--Spawners/Boats--DONE Home5: Home6: FillWerrel--Stone brick/Slab/Rare ores/Glowstone/Glass--DONE Home7: Home8: Home9: MNPro--Stone slabs--DONE Home10: Home11: Home12: Home13: Home14: NOTE: WHEN POSTING WHAT HOUSE NUMBER YOU WANT PLEASE PUT WHAT YOU LIKE TOO!
House please. :] Anyone would be fine - just be sure to fill it with technical shizzle whizzle ~(~o.o)
So the staff members are taking a while to suggest a home, or wanting to request a home for them selves, so I might just go on the server /msg them if they want one, and what they like. Tires of waiting I dont have that much time to wait around. Unless fellow staff members want to tell the rest to check this out and post for a home, that would be great!! Giving this two more days before I go online and ask the staff.
Trying to get these staff members to get a home: MojoBunny Dettles bajj Thr0ttie Owen Lego Conanto H41L Viiet jokerr77 Dzyriq Stylether Kingofpie Kbrz XiXGoldeyXiX stanky2