Tested and it is true that the active redstone lamp updates immediately to an unpowered one, however, even in my singleplayer world with doing /give, after it is placed the same thing happens. You probably can only do it with worldedit. As for the unpowered redstone torch, it seems its being disabled by worldedit or something, but it does work in singleplayer and stays unlit after being placed.
Can constructors be able to send duplicate messages when using WE? It's hard for me to use WE and I feel like I spam more typing messages so I don't get the "cannot send duplicate messages" thing
Stopping of duplicate message is to protect the server, imagine if you bound a macro to spam the same command tens of times a second, the server would still execute the flood of WorldEdit commands, eventually this would allow a player to lag or even crash the server, thus we do not allow the exact same command to be entered twice in a row. Very few public servers allow any access to WorldEdit at all, Just enjoy the fact we have allowed it and will be adding more WorldEdit commands for players, however it will always have restrictions to protect our public Creative server. Also we have removed the majority of restrictions on the block types that can be manipulated via WorldEdit.
Is there any possible way you can tone down the "advertising" thing. I mean... I couldn't even post a link to the members page when somebody asked how to become constructor. Apparently providing links to our website is advertising... so i been warned! (1/3) *edit* Would also like to point out it also warned me for spamming for -trying- to say the line: "well, its sorta a mountain lol... more like a hill" now please explain how that is spam? i had not said a single line of text before that so... im just getting really ticked off at this thing... i really am.
The spam filter is being adjusted, however as the sever is basically staff free this does need to be strict and looking at the logs its stops much more issues that it causes, when using correct sentance contruction it passes without issue using excessive --- **** and so on will trip the filter. Some issues with the white list URL filter have been noted and we will get that fixed, so you will be able to post our URLs, also what you need to know is every 5 mins in chat a Builder is notified how to upgrade to Constructor, and the link to visit, they are also notified of common commands, however as a Constructor you do not see these messages.
Might i suggest Constructors get access to /item info to aid them in finding the item id when using worldedit to modify blocks.
Hmm, well i've not used or been aware of that command. Used it in survival just now and yes that shows the same info as the command /item info I used last map to find that info. We have /itemdb on survival but not creative.
Or you could get TMI to get the item id's, OR like what I do. Put up a webpage with ALL of the ID's, it takes a whle to search for the right item, but it still works
Also using ".." also counts as spam. I tend to use .'s so that messes me up alot.. :/ But other than that the server is completely and awesomely awesome!