Okay updated home lists.. What house you want? OS1: Natbyte--Monsters--DONE OS2:Stanky2--NEED INFO OS3: NeddzyNoodle--SHEEP!--DONE OS4:MojoBunny--NEED INFO Home1: Wiiillx--Anything with stone--DONE Home2: TechTeller96--Technical shizzle whizzle ~(~o.o)--DONE Home3: eireluke--Gold Ore--DONE Home4: Luciano2572--Spawners/Boats--DONE Home5: Dettles--NEED INFO Home6: FillWerrel--Stone brick/Slab/Rare ores/Glowstone/Glass--DONE Home7: MNPro--NEED INFO Home8: DragonLS--NEED INFO Home9: MNPro--Stone slabs--DONE Home10: Viiet--NEED INFO Home11: PONM--NEED INFO Home12: XiXGoldeyXiX--NEED INFO Home13: Thr0ttie--NEED INFO Home14: bajj597--Redstone-y--DONE NOTE: WHEN POSTING WHAT HOUSE NUMBER YOU WANT PLEASE PUT WHAT YOU LIKE TOO!
Awesome work on my place! I could only peek in from the door though :< Will the staff be added to the plot so we can operate doors and such?
I am planning on adding staff, but there is one condition to that, you CAN'T touch anything other than the doors, if you don't follow that rule your home will be guted and you will be removed from the plot.. No biggy
Which home, and what do you like about the server/minecraft. Favorite tool/weapon/block/item You can get either OS2 or OS4.. Or just a regular staff home.
Then I will try to get onto the server sometime today, and start adding people to the plot who has seen my post. I want them to understand it
You do that and you will be banned from my plot, removed, and denied from ALL of my plots, no matter what
bobos... bobos... bobos... you don't know me at all that post was in jest for fun and humor, not to be taken as serious. Sorry if I upset you
IF THERE IS "NEED INFO" beside your name I really need what you like. Please maybe contact that person if you see them online. I am going to try and message every one of these people. What house you want? OS1: Natbyte--Monsters--DONE OS2:Stanky2--NEED INFO OS3: NeddzyNoodle--SHEEP!--DONE OS4:MojoBunny--NEED INFO Home1: Wiiillx--Anything with stone--DONE Home2: TechTeller96--Technical shizzle whizzle ~(~o.o)--DONE Home3: eireluke--Gold Ore--DONE Home4: Luciano2572--Spawners/Boats--DONE Home5: Dettles--NEED INFO Home6: FillWerrel--Stone brick/Slab/Rare ores/Glowstone/Glass--DONE Home7: MNPro--NEED INFO Home8: DragonLS--NEED INFO Home9: MNPro--Stone slabs--DONE Home10: Viiet--Some Viiet Magic Home11: PONM--NEED INFO Home12: XiXGoldeyXiX--NEED INFO Home13: Thr0ttie--NEED INFO Home14: bajj597--Redstone-y--DONE
I cannot help you. And this is a build project thread. Post on the chatbox if you need an admins attention.. Cant help you there.