Pssh, right when I became staff I asked quite a few questions, half of them I received back the answer of 42..
The problem is, as the book states, 42 is not the answer to everything but only to the question. Therefore this is not a correct answer... #getyofactsstraight
Sorry Emil - but 42 is the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything. This answer was given by the super computer Deep Thought after 7.5 million years of thinking. Which confused the philosophers (or rather their descendants) who asked it, Deep Thought then went on to design the greatest computer ever invented so that the QUESTION could be know - the name of this computer was "Earth" and moments before the answer, or rather the question to the answer, could be given - the Earth was blow up to make way for an hyperspace bypass. It was later discovered that the Earth was blown up on purpose because a group of psychatrists we afraid that knowing the question would put them out of work. Don't mess with me son - I have the original radio broadcasts on tape, DVD's of the TV show, several beaten copies of the paperback books, and the great leather-bound edition of the books. </schooled>
Uhm, kinda what I tried to say, just that "What is the answer to life, universe and everything" is not the ultimate question and therefore the answer is not correct... Or at least not very accurate... I think Arthur states that pretty clear somewhere in the third book... Just because I'm young doesn't mean I don't know my guide
My god... Other people who've actually read the book?! And two in one day? What is this?! I think I may pass out from sheer excitement.
You may be thinking of how a caveman pulled out tiles that asked "What is 6 x 8" - which of course is 48, not 42. This was attributed to the alien ship that crashed in the cave-man era and caused the computation to be wrong. We did not, it turns out, evolve from monkeys, but rather those aliens who were shipped off because they were considered the idiots of their race... Then they built Earth 2 to find out the question to the Life The Universe and Everything, the ultimate answer, which is still 42. Deep Thoughts answer has always been considered correct, it's the question that they never get right - because, some believe, that if both exist in the same universe it will cease to exist and be replaced by something more bizarre. (People believe this has already happened.)
You're right ofc, but I will still claim the question is not the ultimate question... But we can keep doing this for weeks... xP Anyway, do anyone know any good fan factions based on THGTG?
Emil And, I didn't really get what you were trying to say, but that version is so cute C: They should've made the new one like this but just better...
Deep Thought says that the answer is the answer to the Ultimate question... And yes the TV series was what got me hooked, then I read the books, and then got the radio version.
It also says it isn't the answer they're looking for since question is wrong. Kinda like asking "What time is it?" And get the answer "A dimension". It's correct, but not the answer you wanted or expected. I never understood why they didn't ask "What's the meaning of life?"... Any idea?
They don't know the question remember - if both are known... so there is no way to know it is wrong, they only knew that Earth 1 screwed it up. The Ulitmate answer is and always has been 42.