I was going to say that, and then realized there was a 2nd page... >.> posted it and then had to delete it.
Yes dear Fill, I am a computer idiot but I do know how to do that. The reason I don't have it filled is because it cuts off the a bit of the ears and nose of the horse. But the white space on the sides work well for me, so it's all good. Secondly, I have been a sims fan for a long time. But I bought sims 3 specifically because it had horses in the pets expansion pack... come to find out, my laptop cant handle the pets expansion :'( so I haven't been able to play and wont until I get a new comp which wont be for awhile. The issue I guess lies in the graphics card, which I apparently can't replace/switch out. *le sigh*
About the dislike beckie. I like nicholas cage. I think it's a good pic of him. I also like rainbows. Buuuuuut if you want to dislike a compliment, that's ... allowed. I dont get it, but ok. whatever. heh. Wat XD. Nothing wrong with YouTubeoorent.
Thread revive? I want to see more desktop pics, this was a good idea and can keep us entertained during the wait. Heres my updated pic. Click for actual size!
Default Enigma theme I see, Fill I tidied my desktop up a lot! All icons are now hidden and appear on mouseover in groups organized by type.. so uncluttered Also, this makes a great desktop background, as long as you are good at not being frustrated at finding icons on it.