Horse Guide

Discussion in 'Minecraft Server Tutorials' started by srehder24, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. srehder24

    srehder24 Active Member

    May 17, 2012
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    Since 1.6 came out, there has been a horse craze on the server- Buying, selling, trying (and failing) to transport.... This is the Official Guide onto everything that has to do with horses!

    First if all, breeds.
    There are a total of 35 breeds of horses, 37 including mules and donkeys.
    The coats include; Bay, White, Black, Dapple (Grey), Liver Chestnut (Dark Brown), Flaxen Chestnut (Light Red-Brown) and Buckskin (Tan).
    Here is MinecraftWiki's chart of all 37 horse variations (and a cat).
    As you an see, there are also the different patterns on the horses.
    These include Plain, White Blaze/Socks, Paint (or Pinto, depending...), Sooty and Leopard Appaloosa.

    If you want a cool horse name, please contact me on the forums or rehder24 in game.

    Please add on with anything and everything you know about Minecraft horses (Favorites, pictures, breeding charts, facts...) Thank you!
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  2. LikePoseidon

    LikePoseidon Active Member

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Hah you said failing to transport cause I killed one of our horses transporting it :p. Once you get 2 horses many of you will want to breed them, you can do so by breeding them the same way as any other mob but using golden apples or golden carrots. Then you must feed the foal wheat before it grows to an adult size. Also to feed a horse right click it with food until it is at full health here are the foods that you can feed them and how much helth they heal;
    Sugar 0.5 hearts
    Wheat 1 heart
    Apple 1.5 hearts
    Golden Carrot 2 hearts
    Bread 3.5 hearts
    Golden Apple 5 hearts
    Hay Bale 10 hearts
    Also not all horses have the same amount of health so don't worry if you're feeding 2 horses and you can't get one horses health as high as the other, because their health ranges from 6 hearts to 15 hearts.
    Also the only equipment you can get for a horse is a saddle and armor but for a donkey you can't give it armor but when you put a saddle on it, it has it's own inventory where you can store things on your travels. To put a saddle on a horse or to tame it simply right click the horse to hop on, it will most likely buck you off a few times but eventually you will stay on the horse where you can then right click to open it's inventory and put a saddle on it so you may control it.
    Thanks for reading, and by the way if you find an error in here please let me know so I can correct it. Hope this helped you! :D
  3. watkinni1

    watkinni1 Active Member

    Aug 6, 2012
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    wheat is what i have found to be the most efficient way to grow the baby horses into adults becuase it is really cheap and makes the horses really easy to tame
  4. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    Moved to the appropriate section!
  5. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Someone told me(I think it was Junebug838) to try and teleport a horse through a stargate by having it be in a minecart. We tried and when we got to the other side it wasnt there. So we called it a fail.
    Later on I was told there was a horse at the other side of the stargate we tried this on. So I did it again and apparently you can teleport horses while they are in minecarts. However, the horse may fall into / through the floor. So be careful.
  6. LikePoseidon

    LikePoseidon Active Member

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Here's a specific tutorial on what monk said.
    First make a configuration like the one below whererver your horse is starting from, then put the place you want to go on the stargate.
    Next place a minecart on the track and push the horse into the minecart. Then push the minecart up into the frame of the portal and select the destination and hit the button. If the horse doesn't teleport right away give it a nudge further into the portal. Now it's your turn to go in after the horse. Once you have arrived at the destination, like monktiger said the horse may take damage from falling into the floor. Next you should hop onto the horse and break the minecart under the horse, this is pretty much the only way to get the horse out. If you try punching the cart it will just hurt th horse so remeber to get on the horse first! Now you know how to transport horses in seconds, so no more loss of life flying with leads or getting attacked by mobs! xD
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  7. watkinni1

    watkinni1 Active Member

    Aug 6, 2012
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  8. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    Wish I had used that method BEFORE I rode 16,000 blocks on my donkey.
  9. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    pretty sure it was junebug838 who told me to try it.