Since the idea came up near the end of the month I had to rush this out... and nobody did the build of the month entrys, (If they do I will add the page to it) Thanks to our months writers: Jokerr77 and FillWerrel (They are hired now ) These pictures are in order! Magazine (open) Magazine (close) Photo of the month was taken by geekologist, props to him! Thats the end! Rate this thread cookie if you read it to the end!
If you'd like, I can design you some nice (Flat ) templates for the stories and stuff, making it look cleaner. (I can also make some pretty badass covers...) <_< Anyways nice job with it! ^_^
Please please please in the name of good design and the love of all that is pure, It's a good idea to have a couple columns of text for each page instead of one blob of text, as its more readable that way. Perhaps use a sans-serif font. Here's a couple magazine pages I made up a few months ago that I think illustrates the point. I can do the layouts for you. It would be good practice. Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler