Journal's of Exile

Discussion in 'Written' started by shadowslasher11, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. shadowslasher11

    shadowslasher11 Well Known Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    (9/14/2013)Day 1: Entering the Exile

    Entered and opened the Exile today, lots of people immediately came rushing through the portal and began setting up shop. As people dug their way into their chests, I dug my way through thousands of stones. I managed to build myself a nice little home in the wall of the ravine, along with my little Cryogenic Freezing Chamber (V2) for later on when I need to fall into the deep sleep and await world reconstruction. Also allowing me nicely compacted storage+sleeping area.

    My Chamber:

    As for the others, it appears they're getting along just fine. However a lot of them keep bitching over some records and other things. Honestly, I find it funny, however bluntly annoying in almost every way possible. However, their building's seem to have really brightened up this once dark and cold cave, to a more warming feel.

    Exile's Main Ravine:

    [Feel free to make your own journal's guys. ;)]
  2. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    Texture Resource pack used?
  3. Boobenchier

    Boobenchier Member

    May 26, 2012
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    it looks like john smith but I could be wrong.
  4. shadowslasher11

    shadowslasher11 Well Known Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    John Smith Legacy
  5. coolskimmpyss

    coolskimmpyss Active Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    (9/13-14/2013)Day 1: Entering the Exile
    Hour: -4
    The hype of exile got to me so I thought I would enter early, so I could be helping the minute Exile started but everything didn't go the way I expected it to. I hear that ohman is stopping in, so i go to see what is going on. I walk to the lobby and what I saw was not what I expected. Ohman was placing tons of enderdragon eggs( two of them are still in exile today). He cleans them up and I go back to what I was doing earlier when I hear "OMG OHMAN" I turn around and see the exile flooded with at least 1000 bats, I don't know how I didn't see the bats but it was perfectly out of my vision but if i turned any bit to the left or right I would have seen them.I rush to ohman expecting him to us a command to kill them but he doesn't. Shadowslasher, Watkinni, and I rush in and start killing all of the bats.
    We weren't even making a dent and our "Fearless leader" Shadowslasher ran because of the lag the bats caused, so I had to call in the troops. With the help of unwisedude, Theminecrafter3, and Watkinni we defeated most of the bats and Luciano came and used an admin command to kill the rest.
    Hour: -1 I convinced shadowslasher11 to start Exile 1hour early because it was already late for me, but it didn't really work. 15minutes to exile I did something I've never done, Sitting there watching youtube I fell asleep at my computer. The event I've been waiting for, for months I missed the beginning of my favorite event...
    Hour:0 Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz. Zzzz...
    I explored exile to see what happened while I was asleep, and started building my own home. I moved into my new home, which probably will be home till the end of exile, and I started helping clear paths, and make room for the new members of exile.
    Hour: Idk probably 14 I took a break from minecraft, and when I log on I hear problems about the simplest thing possible, what song to listen to. Everyone wanted to listen to their own song, and for some odd reason harry locked himself in house, so I just let it pass and it mostly fixed itself.
    Summary- It was a fun first day Photos of the events will be posted HERE If the page doesn't work just tell me.
  6. shadowslasher11

    shadowslasher11 Well Known Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Day 4:
    People finally stopped bitching about the music, could actually get some head way on my projects.

    • Mined out tree farm. Check.
    • Design PVP arena. Check.
    • Build PVP arena. Check
    • Expand House. Working on it.
    Maybe I'll go explore some caves later...