You would think a redstone "genius" would have more at his disposal than a very basic tnt cannon and tnt connected to a lever...
I didn't even write it, CreeperXlol did.. Also every time I post a video why do I have to hear at least 1 negative thing from you?
It ain't negativity, it's just constructive criticism. Why post when not all people will say it's "omg so good"? I liked it though. Not Slamacow, but good for an amateur.
1) I --defended-- you on your last video when you were being attacked. 2) Not everyone is going to say "omg! that was amazing and perfect and there couldn't be a single thing about it better!" 3) If your going to claim in the title of your thread "redstone Genius" at least have a semi-redstone genius... with more than just very basic tnt. 4) Don't get all upset when I point out a problem, the only reason I even pointed that out was because you used the phrase "Genius"/Pro to describe your characters portrayed in your story. They are nowhere near that level in the content you showed.
You wouldn't even know there was redstone till you died at the door. There wouldn't be any tnt either. There are no pvp geniuses. Swing a sword, don't die. Easy 'nuff.