The Difference Between Constructive Criticism and Insulting

Discussion in 'Minecraft Server Tutorials' started by PickachuKrew, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. PickachuKrew

    PickachuKrew Active Member

    Nov 8, 2011
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    If this is in the wrong thread, please move it.

    I've seen a couple threads in Media, and as you know, Constructive Criticism is always a big part of them. Before I bring up the main point of the thread, I'd like to just bring up a few pointers and such for making threads that involve asking for opinions.

    1. Don't expect all positive comments. Not everybody is going to like your work. Expect some negative comments.

    2. Take the negative comments as a recommendation. If there's something wrong with your video, or whatever you've decided to bring up as a suggestion, and somebody points it out, fix it. It's better to fix that problem in your next video or thread rather than repeat the same mistakes and blow off their comment as rude.

    Now, the difference between Constructive Criticism and Insulting is that Criticism is healthy. Not everybody is going to like your work, but sometimes they'll recommend something that could be useful for future threads. The grammar is off? Fix it. The spacing on your short story is too extensive? Fix it. That's Criticism.

    Now, when someone doesn't put input on your work, doesn't give you that recommendation or detailed reasoning of why they dislike it, or says something they really should keep to themselves, confront them and ask what they think could be done to fix it, instead of allowing yourself to be angered or frustrated. This is insulting. When someone says negative comments like, "This sucks." or "Don't make more videos, PLEASE", chances are they don't mean it in a good way. If they do this, most likely someone is going to comment and tell them off. Don't be that person.

    Instead, ask them what's so bad, why they have to be rude, why they're commenting when they don't need to.

    1. Not everything is going to be positive in the comments
    2. Not everyone will like your stuff.
    3. Criticism is kind of a negative comment, although expresses what they think could be done about the issue thus you shouldn't take it as an insult.
    4. Insults are just plain rude, and if someone says anything to you like "This sucks.", ask them why they think that. Chances are they're just being completely mean and possibly have a biased opinion towards you.
    5. Don't tell them off, just ask them about their input. Your video might not be great, but it doesn't deserve that kind of comment. Could be the worst video ever, but still doesn't deserve that kind of rudeness.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  2. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    Common sense.
    Or it should be, anyway
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  3. PickachuKrew

    PickachuKrew Active Member

    Nov 8, 2011
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    Not to people on the forums it seems~
  4. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    This post sucks
    This is much needed.

    I would also like to add...
    Don't act like you know everything, even if you know everything. Humility will get you further.

    ^I know I'm guilty of this sometimes.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Cepheid99

    Cepheid99 Member

    Aug 25, 2013
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    Seems common sense is more rare than common :)
    This was a very well-articulated article. Thank you PikachuKrew, I really enjoyed reading this.
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