Just a little game that would answer the age old question: "What would you do if you had a million dollars." The only difference is I added a little MCS twist. With this game you give 1 item you would buy in real life, and an item-perk-etc. that you would buy in MCS Survival. The only rules I have are keep things clean, be respectful, and have fun. My items: IRL: An exotic home built for a nerd (and I mean well built). MCS: A large plot of land with the ores I would ever need.
If I had 1,000,000 Emerdollars, I'd buy 1,000,000 Emerdollars for the cost of 1,000,000 Emerdolars from someone.
If you had a million emer dollars, it would mean you haven't done anything accept play on this server and you would still be no richer than when you started playing.
Why not infinity rainbows? Then you would have infinity pots of gold to buy your infinity unicorns with
Eh, if I had a million ed It would probably just sit in my wallet continuing to be what it is... Worthless XD lol. Only thing Ed has ever been good for me is buying bulk stone from archi shop to save myself time.