
Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Exavious, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Thought I would share a game with you guys that I have grown very fond of and am excited to see what is to come, be aware that it is in early Alpha and still has much work to be done on it. From the creators of: Grid Defense series, Age of Empires 2: HD edition, Counter Strike: Global Offensive.

    Windborne is a creative game that draws its inspiration from Minecraft, Dungeon keeper, and Zelda. And if that combination of games doesn't draw your intrigue... there is something wrong with you! lol. Like Minecraft you collect resources from the world around you, the difference is... neither the world nor what you build is blocky and pixilated.

    Here is a picture of what the world looks like in its current form, and the kind of detail you can build with:

    I think it is quite amazing what is already in this game at early alpha stage, and to think so much more is coming. Currently there are over 200 different blocks to build with. There are an infinite amount of islands to explore. But not only is windborne developing purely as a creative game, it will be adding in a sort of god mode aspect. There will be creatures known as the jin. Guide the Jin to civilization by defending them, building homes for them, and teaching them, and they will help you in return.

    Then there will be the multiplayer aspect. You can join your friends island to help them build, but also other floating islands will float by yours. Some occupied by other players, some uninhabited and ripe for exploration. And how exactly would you get over to these flying islands you may ask? good question! Eventually you will be able to tame and ride your very own dragon that will allow you to go flying around not only your island but explore other islands.

    You can get this game on early access in steam now, or you can wait for it to release in full. Either way, I very much look forward to seeing it develop and grow. I hope you will too :)

    Here are some videos of gameplay:

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  2. TechTeller

    TechTeller Forum Legend

    Aug 23, 2011
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    This looks... bloody amazing.
  3. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Yes, it very well could be what i gravitate to away from minecraft if they truly deliver on what the vision is for the game.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Stylether

    Stylether Active Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Dear lord. And it's 20% off steam right now as well. I feel like buying it, because it seems like it'll have everything I would want in a game: Creativity, dragons, and the option to exploit my god complex! It's perfect!

    All kidding aside, I will probably be buying this. Although it seems to look like floaty minecraft right now, with greatly improved graphics. So not sure if they will improve and deliver. I highly doubt it'll be as modable as MC though. Pity.
  5. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    I was thinking about that as well, I did not figure it would be as modable as MC either. Each game will have its strength and weakness like any other game. Minecraft is very unique in the community base and support it has compared to other games, I just wish they would do more with the game they have that has so much more potential than what they are doing.
  6. Legopossible

    Legopossible Active Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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  7. TCIndiana

    TCIndiana Active Member

    Oct 12, 2011
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    Looks like Windows only at this point, if they ever port it to Linux I may check it out, if not, I won't.
  8. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Sad to say this game had been dropped by the developers in early access and can no longer be bought, apparently they could not get the funding they needed to continue working on it. There is still a lot of content in the game however and those of us that bought it got 5 free copies of the game to gift to others and 3 copies of Defense Grid 2 + All DLC. I had hoped this would develop into a great game but seems it shall die.

    I can say it is still fun to play with and be creative just won't ever be finished. Im willing to trade the copies of windborn and 2 defense grid 2 copies, let me know if your interested and what your willing to trade for one. Will accept steam items or even things in minecraft such as nether stars.