1. What is your in game name? TCIndiana 2. Are you a constructor? Yes 3. Are you the only builder on the project? Yes 4. What is the warp to get to your plot?(ex. /p h Thr0ttie) /p h:2 TCIndiana 5. Post at least 2 pictures of your plot
Well it's a tone of work - but what is it and how many design elements are behind it besides, empty dirt, make 2 circles and a 1/2 sphere?
Thanks thr0 and I do think you might have seen the wrong plot stanky, when I got a new plot the warp for this one changed. Also nat, I tried uploading the pics to the forum first, but it said the files were too large. And I may not have picked the best image host.
Congratz! When I first saw it in game the first thing I was thinking was "It's going to get approved!"