There are 2 types of fame. Celebrity and Notoriety. Being a Celebrity Celebrities are the people EVERYONE know. Giving you an example , Exavious would be a celebrity. In my opinion he is the best builder on the server. Everyone knows of him. How does Exavious get his reputation? Look at his builds. No need to travel far, It's right outside of spawn. How does he maintain it? Building aside, people would avoid him if he had a nasty attitude. Personally I've known Exavious since I started playing here, when he was a mod. He has never said a rude word. He doesn't argue with anyone. He definitely sets the example for being a good player with a good reputation. How does one become a Celebrity? Honestly, its not hard to become one. Getting that status is the easiest part. I'll lay it out in bullets: ⦁ Do what you do best - Build, do redstone, be social, help people. Maintenance: ⦁ Be friendly - Don't argue, debate, bitch or do anything that you would hate another person to do. ⦁ Don't do anything immoral(Against the rules)- No xraying, no spamming, etc... The rules are there to make the server better. Just like rules in real life are there to make society better. ⦁ Don't speak ill of others. Notoriety These are the people that get avoided. No one should strive to be notorious (outside of PVP). There is no one on the server now that I would consider notorious. These people usually end up getting banned quickly. As an example I will refer to the rap culture. Notorious B. I. G. aka Biggie Smalls. Why was biggie notorious? He committed(supposedly, not convicted) a lot of crimes. He was infamous for his disses on other rappers. A lot of people believe that he was involved or responsible for the death of Tupac. Why you don't want to be notorious - Biggie Smalls was killed. People feared him. Having a group of people who fear you is a bad thing. A common enemy can unite former enemies into allies. Just like biggie, if you keep doing things against the rules, of the community, you will get popped. That's permanent. Why notoriety is good in PVP - In tough environments, such as 1980's and 1990's NYC, people usually either seek to be the strongest or they join the strongest. Factions usually set up quickly with the dominant person at the top. The strongest groups get the most people trying to join them. They then go head to head, usually for territory or to uphold ideals or simply to prove who is the best. Being notorious in PVP gets you a reputation that people flock to. You simply have to decimate everyone or be the richest which in turn allows you to have the best stuff to decimate. Human beings are inherently loyal in tough situations, once you've gained that loyalty it's hard to lose it. Maintenance - ⦁ Be a leader - Just but fair. If someone breaks a group rule, punish them for it - just don't take it past fairness ⦁ Don't lead on fear - I love it when people say "Do it cause I'm the boss" because they shit their pants when I say "I quit" or "Go F*ck yourself." Fear leading only leads to dissent if not mutiny. ⦁ If you don't want to do a task, don't delegate, do it yourself. People will resent you if you make them do something when you wont do it yourself. ⦁ Follow the basic rules of celebrity maintenance Reputation is important. If you have a good reputation, people will be more willing to put you in a position of power. So get out there and work your ass off to get a good rep. It will make you grow leaps and bounds as a person. P.S. I have some suggested reading materials below on great books on personal achievement. Spoiler alert - It's not about you. It's about how you treat others. Suggested reading/learning materials on gaining good reputation: How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill These books are really old(1930's) but they are time tested. A lot that is said in both books is on treating other people. I've read through both of them a handful of times over this past year.
*blushes* Aww, appreciate the kind words good sir and good guide to boot! I doubt I'm to much of a celebrity nowadays though, perhaps to the oldies but I have hardly played on this map enough to maintain much of that "celebrity" status to the newer players haha. Plan to come back to this server on the new map though... when that ever happens. But really, you shouldn't be trying to be a celebrity. When you act a certain way just to get attention its very obvious and insincere and that in itself tends to cause people to not be interested in you. When you are fake. My advice, Just be you.. Treat others with respect.. Be kind and generous. Do that, people will naturally like you
Techteller96 answered (open) Techteller96 answered (close) In all seriousness though this was a very well laid out thread - I had fun reading the analogies and your points came across very clearly. That clarity, for me at least, is key when I get to know someone. I find that people who are capable of communicating effectively are the best people to keep around. This is mainly because if you do end up having an issue with them - and for most people, you will at some point take issue with them - you can still tell them, and they will actually understand what you are saying. Some may even change their behavior, so long as you communicated well, that is. Another point I wanted to add to this topic is, stop worrying about what people will think! I've noticed some of the people who get flocks of attention seekers (whether they like it or not) are the very ones that don't care what other people think of them. You just have to realize that there are people that won't like you, and there are people who will. Deal with it, and move on - you don't need everyone to like you to feel good about yourself. Oftentimes those who like themselves despite what other people might say about them - are the very ones that come across as confident and inspiring. Confidence is truly key when it comes to building a reputation and earning respect. If you constantly put yourself down, then sure, some people will sympathize. But really - most people will simply think, "well if he talks so badly about him/herself, what will he think about me?" And they will shy away from you. Also, being confident doesn't go hand in hand with skill or expertise either, yet it is one of the surest ways to attract people who will then want to befriend you. You might have self-image issues, and think, "Oh I suck at building nobody will like me" or "I'm not as smart as other people here, they'll think I'm dumb." But really, if you don't tell people - they won't know. There will always be people with more skill and less skill who are smarter or dumber than you. Be patient and try to learn - people eager to learn are some of the most fun to have around. One of my favorite sayings that really applies here is this: “Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.” ― Winston Churchill When you quit worrying about your reputation and have fun - that's what this is all about anyways - then people will enjoy being around you because you are enthusiastic about what you are doing - no matter what it is. So if you want people to like you, just keep trying... to be a better builder, a better friend, a better listener, a better communicator... Don't be better than other people, just be better than you were before you tried. Thanks again for sharing these thoughts BC519 - it really is an inspiring train of thought.
I talk badly of myself simply because I feel there are people are significantly better than myself. I use to aspire to be a jack-of-all-trades, in turn it just made me look like a jackass. As for the confidence part, I've been focusing on teaching myself sales here lately. I was in sales when I was younger and didn't do well but I thought I was the greatest salesman to walk the Earth. Holy shit was I wrong... The pretense in which I tried to sell was wrong. Even though we had a "time-tested script" boy did it miss the mark. It was like trying to take a trip to Alaska and ending up in China. In sales you have to layout the benefits for the client. How is going to make them happy, make their lives easier, etc... Note it has nothing to do with you. You will always get butterflies when you walk up to that guy/girl you've always wanted to talk to, that first job interview, that sales pitch. We are socially programmed that way. EVERYONE GETS THIS WAY. More times than not, confidence has lost me a sale. And on top of that, it made me resent them! How could they reject my pitch, how dare them. Sometimes being the submissive will put you at a greater advantage than being the confident I wanted to end this with a quote but I'm having trouble finding it. I will post it later.
Found it: “The reason why rivers and seas receive the homage of a hundred mountain streams is that they keep below them. Thus they are able to reign over all the mountain streams. So the sage, wishing to be above men, put himself below them; wishing to be before them, he put himself behind them. This, though his place be above men, they do not feel his weight; though his place be before them, they do not count it an injury.” Lao-Tse
You asked for proof, here you GO. (must view screenshot while video is playing with sound on) Video: Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler
No its not bad lol, I said I had not been active enough this map for the noobies to know me and have the "celebrity" status I was mentioned to have in this thread nothing wrong with not being a veteran of older maps than the current one.
Thats what i mean by not be veteran to anything but this map, which i have not played on very much at all hehe. Im coming up on 3 years here. I looked up your application before making that post because I also had never heard of you and wanted to see when you joined.
My start day on this server was May 4, 2011. Harry_Turney123 start date was May 6, 2011. And don't start your "alternate account yada yada yada" lol. Everything here is done by accounts Anyway this is off topic it's not about me.