pewdiepie reviewed a game called "super amazing wagon adventure" it costs money on steam however you can download a PC version for free! It's super addictive and super weird. For a game you don't have to download reccomend TRUST me it's amazing.
Black Mesa Source When you download TF2, go to: In my opinion, you should go to Library>Tools and download Source SDK Bases 2006, and 2007 to ensure that you get it downloaded properly. This is a free, HD version of the first Half Life game, bits and pieces are cut out, but it's so worth it. You'll need to download 3 files: The Installer, The MP4 file, and The Archive File (This one will take the longest because it has all the game information in it.) After installing the game, restart your Steam, and guess what! It will be loaded into your Steam Library! Planet Side 2 is also a good one, but this one is highly dependent on how well your computer is because of it's massive battles, and graphics. It consists of a max of 2,000 players per server, and 3 different factions for continental domination over 3 continents. WARNING: This is mainly a Pay 2 Win game, meaning you can still get a lot of the stuff for free, but it is a much slower process, and by paying you speed that process up.
I go to school with one of the developers on Black Mesa his life is steam. Well I guess I don't go to school with him anymore considering he dropped out and works at Arby's now.
I'm also downloading Warframe and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Phantoms. Like to hear some reviews on those games.
HAWKEN is a super fun game. If you like mechs, anyway. It's an FPS that revolves around you piloting a giant metal machine to kill other players. I've played a lot of that one. Loadout is another really fun one that I like. It's another shooter, but pretty neat.
UPDATE: I'm uninstalling Warframe; HUGE disappointment, terrible graphics, and I just plain don't get it... On the bright side, Tom Clancy is fucking awesome. It's like Call of Duty, for the PC, for free. I recommend it for EVERYONE here!
its because you don't play it with good settings... Warframe is a great game with pretty good graphics. You are not playing correctly its a blast to play with FRIENDS.
shit sorry dude ignore the part about you not play I was looking at the wrong person. Yes I have played it and I like it