I am done with creative it has just turned to pokes and paintball and oh my god it is just horrible I am gonna leave today this is bad it should have been more like when it was vanilla oh wow the ranks are also bad it should have stayed in constructors and builders and designers and Uhhh overseers man this is bad oh so bad horrible like what is the engineer is that like a worker I hate work I wanna just have fun And surveyor wow I quit it's just bad now also the survival is also bad because it is just bad And sky block? More like sky... Talk PVP is bad because I don't know why it just i- Ok, if you can detect my sarcasm, congratulations. The thing I find confusing is why people are leaving because of pokes and paintball. Like watkinni said, you don't have to join paintball. Or turn on pokes. Seriously, you can still build without people poking you to death or paint... balling you to death. However, if people are talking a lot in Paintball like the law or the court I don't know guys, I don't know, make your chat not visible or ignore it until you think it is gone. And if it still goes on and it really annoys you, just leave the server temporarily (like in hours or minutes not months) then come back it will hopefully stop. I heard some people are mad because of the new WE. Well, maybe for now, you just have to deal with it. Try to learn the new WE and maybe when they maybe decide that they may be changing it to the old WE maybe you don't want the old WE to be changed. I don't think that people have complained about the ranks but if you do, it isn't gonna change. Same with the WE, deal with it. Or at least try to. In my opinion, I don't think you should leave the server because of this. Either ignore it or try to get used to it. Have a little fun with Paintball and... poking... -Th31 P.S: I am just saying my opinion on the Guess What threads. I think I can say my opinion
Still nobody agrees with me that these threads are pointless? Everyone should stop complaining and if you want to leave, just leave and don't make a big scene and come back the next day like 90% of you do. This guy is probably on creative right now. -sigh-
I know it is a rant about them, but why do you feel the need to rant on them? I am trying to address both sides of the problem here, the whiners and the whiners about the whiners.
I respectfully disagree as it gives a chance for the members to show what is wrong with the server in their eyes and also it shows the Overseers and staff members what some of the main problems that need to be fixed as it is causing multiple members to leave. As a staff member you should be seeing the members leaving and be trying fix the problems pointed out.
If people have complaints they should post them in the right section, out of the public eye. All this is doing is giving us a bad image. New people on these forums see all of this talk, and what do you think they make out of it? Also I have absolutely nothing to do with the creative server, my relation with "staff" is on survival. I couldn't fix these problems even if they were on survival because my only job is to mute spammers and promote/help newcomers. TL;DR: I think if people are so upset with what is being applied to the creative server in an effort to spice it up (pixels, paintball) then they should at least complain in the appropriate spot. Make a PM or post in the grievances section.
I second that disagree. This long coster ride has finally spiraled off the tracks. The people of survival have been waiting for the new map, while creative is still being changed. IMO that's enough change for creative. Who cares about 1.8 if we get a couple of stone blocks and some underwater laser fish just to wait for a map? If these threads keep coming, their friends get bored and follow, then this could become a problem.
Your right FIllWerrel, all these Guess-what threads(spoofs) are unnecessary and only further agitate the situation. That said, I do not think it is wrong for a thread to exist in the public eye/domain for people to express themselves, talk about what is bothering them, and get it out of their system. Who knows, perhaps something good will come of it at some point. But yes, 100 guess what threads is just stupid. As far as giving us a bad image... they will see the issues regardless if they visit the forums or not. That said, all this is a bit excessive and really could be better focused.