That what I said dipshit. I got all my prices off Read before you comment. I said they cost more in the UK over the US
Ok if it'll get you to shut up I'll tell you... -First of all, it's not Xbox Live that spies on you, it's the HACKERS that do ( and fuck up your gaming experience). -Second of all, This thread isn't even about computers so I don't know why you guys keep saying PC -Lastly, Price doesn't matter, it's how fun it is. People aren't going to get PS4 just because it's cheaper. TBH if PS4 was more fun, I'd get it, but since Xbox is more reliable and reasonable, Xbox One is my vote. Happy Now??
I kinda want to get a xbox 1, but there's probably zero chance of me moving up to a new console any time soon if ever.
I've been an avid Xbox user since day 1... But I also had a PS2. The only difference is I didn't pick up a PS3 until it was very late in its lifecycle, which was near the beginning of this year, and when I was confident that certain "actions" can be made with it without risk of failure. But now? Even with my extensive history on Xbox Live, I'm a bit unsure on what console to even buy... Sony's financial problems come to mind, but Microsoft's questionable use of hardware comes to mind as well, let's also not forget the exclusives that are out and about right now. Let's also not forget that this gen's consoles are a bit iffy in the spec side. While yes, they're as powerful as a low-end PC, but the real question is: Will they last for a grand long time? I'm just doing a "Wait-and-see" approach while I use my PC for other things. Dead Rising 3 was my main reason for wanting a Xbox One. But with that on PC, I just don't see any exclusives that are on my "Do want" list. Although, the Wii U "does" come to mind in many ways...
Disclaimer: Spoiler alert! If you are under the age of 8 years old, please don't read. Your childhood may be ruined. You must not know about me. Obviously I've hit a nerve so I guess I should keep going. This is a discussion and you've finally added your side to it, instead of hiding behind a built in emoticon. No evidence towards this. Also it's not just the "hackers," it is also the government. Without cooperation of several companies, do you think that the government got all of those e-mails on their own? Nope full on cooperation. Think you're safe on Xbox live? Accessing a camera is easy once you have control of the system. Not saying Sony isn't doing it too but... My question to you is, do you still believe in the tooth fairy? Because, we were talking about gaming. The people of the PC Master Race want to know how anyone can go to a sub-par system. How do you measure fun? Have you ever played both consoles? Xbox being more reliable and reasonable is a stretch. I mean did they ever solve the RRoD over the course of, idk, 10 years? Yep.
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500 fucking dollars for a slightly upgraded Xbox 360 is not averagely priced, it's a rip-off. It's not even awesome, it's just... bad. You're acting like a spazzing xbox fanboy. I haven't used a PS4 yet, so atm I have no opinions.
Xbox isn't NEARLY that much! Edit: My bad it is, I didn't check until now, but PS4 is like the same fucking price!
Don't really have any experience with either of the xbox one or ps4 (wii u master race), however I've had a lot of good experiences with xbox costumer service. Possibly the best costumer service I have ever dealt with! Halo is another great perk of xbox, which imo is the best console exclusive game series ever. I rarely touch my xbox 360 anymore, but when I do it is purely to have a couple good rounds of Halo Reach with some friends (But never Halo 4 that shit is just rng). Costumer Service and Halo are the deciding factors over PS for me, but I think the Wii U is the best console for parties and PC is the best for the rest
Guys, seriously, try to keep it clean in here. It's healthy to have a debate on what's better and what's not, but let's try to keep it away from being a flame-fest, mkay?