The setup is pretty much still the same, just visual changes; - Went back to mechanical keyboard (cough fill) - Got a dedicated thing for the games and random stuff, so desk is overall cleaner/neater (Still a mess tho) - Did some power cables rearrangement, they are nicer and not as risky as before. Less chances of shutting everything down by accident xD pics (open) pics (close)
Hi, last time I'm posting, I promise. Here is my Battle-station in its complete form.
Doesn't it get annoying to hear your computer's fan right in your right ear? Especially when under workloads?
Did you view the whole album? The first picture is the only one with the computer on my desk, that was a very long time ago. The whole album shows the evolution and that is just the beginning.
Fill, how did your setup go from this: First Setup (open) First Setup (close) To This: Final Setup (open) Final Setup (close)
well luckily I have a windows 7 anyway.. Dell monitor, Dell mouse, Dell keyboard, and some crappy speakers that mess up once in a while. only 2 gb of ram BUT luckily I will be adding some better stuff to my computer as soon as it gets here. oh yea and no video card D: that was just a brief list of what i have