Hi guys. I have really noticed that Designers are becoming WAY to common, and some of these apps should not be accepted, but should try again. In my opinion, and I think others would agree, we need a team of people (OS and Archi's) to accept or deny applications because of how ridiculous this is. I know that others won't agree, but before you do not agree, at least give a reason.
Ricio why is the concept of having more of designers so threatening to you. Can you not live without affirmation that you are better than others? Designer is something you were very happy to get, why can't you let others feel the same way?
I don't like this idea. On survival when you apply for architect yeah other architects are allowed to vote but that doesn't work. When I looked at the names of the 14 architects when I applied the other day I know that 8 of them won't vote in the 2 week time span. OS on the other hand have to be active. I don't see this working out at all as if you look at the 8 (10 if you count Goldey and John) I could only see 6/8 voting consistently. Sure that seems good now but after awhile it will become exactly like the survival architect council. This isn't a good idea.
I don't see why it's bad to have too many designers, as the matter of fact everyone on the server could earn designer and is that bad? No! If the staff said "you know what? too many people have designer so let's say no one else can earn designer." That would be very unfair to everyone else that puts time and effort into their designer project. So I'm going to disagree with you, Ricio.
Well to be fair, some applications are denied but the overseers will give building improvement suggestions. I also know that the overseers will give designer rank within reason, and not every application was accepted. Eventually everyone who has been playing for a good while will earn designer, because we can all improve and try. I know it took me a good long while to earn it, and I was happy when I did. Everyone else should have that opportunity.
Because I can and because I feel like it, I'll get the last word on this. I looked at the recent designer accepted apps and I don't see a decline in quality... I don't know which designers you are referring to but it seems that you are just singling out one person by grouping all the recent apps as bad Edit: No longer last word...but still valid!
I can agree to this, We OS's have a internal system for all creative arch applications. It is not working perfectly either. Also we don't accept any build as designer / engineer either. I have seen enough architect and designer builds to know what i'm looking for in them, In short it is all about the tiny details that makes builds pop out.