Minecraft 1.9 Download Prerelease Is Out Now!

Discussion in 'News / Server Information' started by Natbyte, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Jeb over on twitter has announced the download Minecraft 1.9 prerelease is available for players to test click here to download. Notch has also stated the Minecraft 1.10 release will be upon us very soon. The big focus will still be on adventure in the next release.

    Minecraft 1.9 Prerelease includes:

    * New mobs.
    * Villager.
    * Magma Cube.
    * Snow Golem.
    * Mooshroom.
    * Blaze.
    * New blocks.
    * Netherrack Bricks.
    * Netherrack Stairs.
    * Netherrack Fence.
    * Lily Pad.
    * New items.
    * Blaze Rod.
    * Ghast Tear.
    * Nether Wart.
    * Gold Nugget.
    * New generated structures.
    * Nether Ruins.
    * New Bugs.
    * Biome tinting is too harsh between regular water and swamp water, rather than blending.
    * Can no longer jump repeatedly by holding a key.
    * Snow golems do not take fall damage.

    Download links for 1.9 Prerelease:

    Download Minecraft 1.9 Client Available for Download
    Download Minecraft 1.9 Server Available for Download

    How To Install Minecraft 1.9 Prerelease: (Windows)

    1. Press the 'Windows' key on your keyboard and the 'R' key at the same time
    2. Now type %appdata%
    3. Locate your .minecraft folder
    4. Navigate down into to your bin folder located inside the .minecraft folder
    5. Right click on the file named minecraft and rename it minecraftold
    5. Download the new minecraft.jar and drag or copy to the bin folder.
    6. Run Minecraft as normal to play prerelease Minecraft 1.9

    How To Restore Minecraft 1.8.1 (Windows)

    1. Press the 'Windows' key on your keyboard and the 'R' key at the same time
    2. Now type %appdata%
    3. Locate your .minecraft folder
    4. Navigate down into to your bin folder located inside the .minecraft folder
    5. Delete the file named minecraft
    5. Select the file named minecraftold right click and select rename change to minecraft
    6. Run Minecraft as normal to play Minecraft 1.8.1 again
    #1 Natbyte, Sep 23, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2014