Minecraft Snapshot 15w14a – The Love And Hugs Update

Discussion in 'News / Server Information' started by FillWerrel, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    From Mojang:

    We thought long and hard about what the next update should be about. Over the last few years we’ve touched everything from survival to creative, monsters to blocks, overhauled the world itself and the way people play in it. It took us a while to come to a conclusion on where we should branch out next, but with some help of some recent public criticism we realized the true direction we should be taking with this truly inspirational game.

    It is well known that Minecraft is played by all ages, we’ve met kids as young as 3 to adults in their 90s. As much as this continues to impress us, we’ve realized that this puts us in a special position with certain responsibilities that we should uphold. We are in a very unique position to make a difference to the world and we have decided to accept this new role in society. We’ve thought long and hard about this, but we finally feel happy to announce that we are now changing the general direction of the game Minecraft. Starting from the next update we will be focusing on the things that make life worth living, promoting healthy relationships with the environment and its inhabitants.

    You may have been wondering why we’ve not released any snapshots in some time. This was done with the best intentions in mind, and we’ll try to explain why we made this choice. We realized that sharing snapshots was very unfair to those that didn’t want to get update spoilers by not using snapshots, so we then decided to cancel the snapshot release cycle. In later meetings we realized that this decision itself was unfair to those who did want to be spoiled, so we decided to bring them back. However, we then came to the conclusion that withholding snapshots was unfair to those who did want to see snapshots, and sharing snapshots was unfair to those who didn’t want to see snapshots, this put us in a very hurtful position in regards to our new Equality Policy. After a long debate, we came to the final conclusion which should make everybody equally happy/unhappy: We’ll release snapshots, but only after we’ve already added everything. This way, those who didn’t want to see snapshots will be upset because they will see snapshots, and those who want to see snapshots will be upset because they won’t see snapshots until it’s very late, and then those who didn’t want to see snapshots will be happy because those who did want to see snapshots will be unhappy, and then those that did want to see snapshots will be happy because those that didn’t want to see snapshots will be unhappy. Or something. We’re still discussing this, we’ll get back to you with our final findings.

    Get the snapshot
    To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “Snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (See the “new profile” dialog).

    Cross-platform server jar:https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/15w14a/minecraft_server.15w14a.jar

    • We have removed the ability to directly harm other creatures. You should be rewarded for helping, not hurting.
    • Removed Health and Hunger. We feel that these are not appropriate gameplay mechanics for a game about love, sharing and peacefulness.
    • Added a new “Love” meter. This fills up the more you help others, and others help you.
    • “Survival” mode has been renamed to “Existence”.
    • Bats are now 20% cuter. Squeek.
    • Chickens can now be ridden by any player less than two blocks tall.
    • Cows will now alert you to important events that you may have missed by means of an audible notification.
    • Pigs can no longer fly, but can now climb on walls.
    • Rabbits are fluffy.
    • Sheep will, if asked nicely, share their wool to keep you warm.
    • Squid changed, but we’re still trying to figure out how or why.
    Monsters Inhabitants
    • “Monsters” are no longer named as such. The preferred term is “Inhabitants”, as they live in this world just like you or me.
    • Steve and Alex have realized that the inhabitants are not evil, and just want to hug and get along.
    • Creepers no longer explode. They have gotten over their nervous disposition and are much more friendly once you get to know them.
    • Skeletons have revealed themselves to be very efficient farmers, having a permanent source of bone meal on them at all times.
    • Blazes are actually pretty cool guys and will defend you from harm.
    • Guardians have put aside the initial misunderstanding, and now welcome you into their home with arms… erm… eyes… wide open.
    • Ghasts are no longer frightened so easily, and will offer you rides throughout the nether.
    • Slimes are now pretty fun to hang around with, sharing their secret jumping abilities to those that will listen.
    • Witches are super friendly and surprisingly knowledgable. They will help you by sharing their potions.
    • Zombies are extremely cuddly and love to hug.
    • The Wither has been replaced with his lovable pink counterpart, promoting vitality and nourishment to the environment around him.
    Weather & Environment
    • Removed rain as it upset a lot of players.
    • Falling snow has a chance to make exposed chests mysteriously full of goodies at midnight.
    Villagers & Villages
    • Trading has been rebalanced. We felt that the previous incarnation wasn’t very fair, and believe the new system is a step towards helping fix this.
    • Villagers will offer you help in picking up items or blocks, in exchange for a small fee for their services.
    • Iron Golems can appear as a manifestation of the village’s love for you.
    • Lava has been replaced with liquid cheese. It’s delicious and much safer!
    • TNT has been replaced with a much friendlier block: A love bomb.
    • As we no longer have a hunger system, food items now give Happiness instead of Saturation.
    • Carrot on a Stick has been removed. It was just cruel to pigs and we are very sorry for this.
    • Bows no longer require arrows.
    • Shooting things makes them fall in love with the first thing they see.
    • Removed combat.
    World generation & terrain
    • Dungeons have been replaced with homes, offering a much more inviting and comfortable experience for everybody.
    • All caves have been checked by the Minecraft Safety Committee to ensure a safer experience for players.
    • Desert temples no longer contain TNT traps, and come with a nice, safe way to access the bottom floor.
    • Some cliff edges may be lined with fences to avoid accidents by the unwary traveller.
    • Jungle temples are no longer trapped, containing instead a new rare Golden Creeper to reward exploration.
    • Some potions such as Strength or Harming have been removed, as we no longer have a place for them in the game.
    • Added four (4) new potions:
      • Love Potion
      • Happiness Potion
      • Potion of Sharing
      • Potion of Caring
      • Fun Potion
    • Horses can no longer be ridden as this was deemed unfair to the horses.
      • In compensation to the horses, they can now ride on your shoulders.
    • Minecarts now have a fluffy pink interior.
    • Added obsidian boats which are impossible to break.
    • Improved regular wooden boats.
    • Added dirt bikes.
    • Ender pearls no longer transport you to the target, but instead the target to you.
    Weather & Environment
    • Added rain back as it soothed a lot of players.
    • Falling snow has a chance to make exposed chests mysteriously full of goodies at midnight.
    Game Settings
    • Not everybody had the same experience playing Minecraft under different configurations, so we decided to remove all the graphical settings.
    • You may now only have one world, in order to reduce fragmentation and to treat all worlds as equals.
    • Some resource packs were prettier than others, giving some players an unfair advantage in the amount of fun they were having. This has been fixed.
    This is the last update the game will ever need. Pack it in folks, this ship has sailed!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. edsta024

    edsta024 Active Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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  3. imme

    imme Well Known Member

    Jan 17, 2012
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    April fools
  4. g33ks

    g33ks Member

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Omg!! You got me, I was bout to throw my pc out the window! I would be pissed if they did that! Maybe make an option but don't replace survival lol. Love and Hugs wtf is this, im not here to play Harvest Moon!
  5. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    What are you guys talking about o.0 I have been having lots of fun with this latest snapshot. Turned some fun potions into splash and threw them at villagers, shoulda seen what they did.
  6. Th31Guy37

    Th31Guy37 Active Member

    Jan 27, 2014
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    This is a beautiful snapshot. It will help young kids learn the meaning of love and fun, while the elderly can have not only love and fun in real life, but love and fun on video games. The snapshot is also very creative and shows what to expect in the future, as it has "Golden Creepers" to help travelers along the way. This is similar to real life, as friends will help you get to your destination when you are trying to look for something.

    The potions help symbolize that there cannot be any harm in our science, and the texture packs & graphic settings removal show that you can not change how the world looks in your pitiful imagination, but we have to accept the real world.

    And the real world is great, as you realize that there isn't any animal cruelty, and that trying to get something forcefully won't help you get anything. Asking nicely will get the wool you need, or the bonemeal for your farm. Also, while there may be some conflicts between players, the new "Love and Hugs" snapshot helps show that in real life, you CANNOT expect to kill your enemies without guilt. Confrontation is key.

    This isn't an April Fools, this is a gift.
    Overall, this is a beautiful snapshot that everyone should realize. It's symbolism & meaning just makes the new direction of Minecraft beautifully reasonable & awesome.
    #6 Th31Guy37, Apr 3, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Cookie Cookie x 1
  7. Dzyriq

    Dzyriq Just another humble Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Interesting, I'll just have to try it when I get home.
  8. MasterTeddy32

    MasterTeddy32 New Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    I wish Minecraft would add a bear to the game :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Juwn

    Juwn Active Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    it'd be amazing
    yet some how unpractical
    we aren't gonna turn the land of Minecraft in to russia..
    • Like Like x 1
  10. MasterTeddy32

    MasterTeddy32 New Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    I wonder What former country Minecraft is?
  11. Th31Guy37

    Th31Guy37 Active Member

    Jan 27, 2014
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    the country of love
  12. MasterTeddy32

    MasterTeddy32 New Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    That is so true o_O
  13. MasterTeddy32

    MasterTeddy32 New Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    But still It would be better If they added a bear to Minecraft (No offense to anyone who doesn't like bears)
  14. Juwn

    Juwn Active Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    [offence intensifies]
    but ask Mojang, who knows.