Omega Introduction

Discussion in 'Written' started by DeadLocked, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. DeadLocked

    DeadLocked Active Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    They were here in the beginning - As well as the end. They have witnessed every war, every death that has ever happened. The Omegas are rumored to be the most powerful beings. Others reason against them. Others, agree. Nobody is sure how the got involved with us humans. There are 15 omegas, each one having a different element. A few people have even witnessed their minimal potential. The bad thing is, those who do happen to witness their powers mysteriously vanish. No trace, no letters, nothing. Back when Hitler was in power, historians reason that if his recorded death was correct. No such powerful leader would kill themselves. People reason that his body wasn't real. They stated that strangely all of his internal organs had a dark red slime all over it. Nobody knew what that slime happened to be. Was it radioactive? Nobody knew. Now to the 21st century, where modern society is it at's strongest. Records of the Omegas existence have been kept. Strangely, the Omegas haven't made a attempt to erase a file of themselves. Even in their sleep, the Omegas still watch....
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  2. Pinecone

    Pinecone Active Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Nice! I can't wait until part two!