Expansion Of Server Ranks - Part 1: The Pillars Of Mcs

Discussion in 'News / Server Information' started by BSPiotr_backup, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. BSPiotr_backup

    BSPiotr_backup Overseer

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Hey there folks, thought you would appreciate some news on updates, plugins, policies, and making sure we're not dead. We're not! In fact, the OS's have been secretly talking about what we wanted to do with ranks for some time (and are still debating what should be done), and today marks the first update I can actually post about. Its a Dev Diary!


    Part 1: The Pillars of MCS

    The OS have fallen into two groups concerning ranks.
    1) Go with a tree / progression based system, ala last map ranks
    2) Go with a personalized perk system, ala the last map bonus perks but for everything

    I'm here to say that neither group has won so far, but it should be noted that the pillar system - a hybridization where each rank is part of a tree, and where you can pick and choose bonus perks, has begun implementation.

    This is EXTREMELY early in its lifespan - Names, perks, etc. are likely to change, especially where you notice a TBD :)

    Expect the first "rank" to be just a color change, but one that also opens up options for you in the perk tree later.
    Further, expect certain perk signs to work differently based on your rank.

    In the future you should expect:
    More types of ranks, with the proverbial "fighters" and "miners" having more stylized and open-ended perks (o.e. you pick & choose)

    A way to go "back" in rank, which will refund you some money. Most likely only available in the first and second tiers and locked out from specialized tiers.

    As of right now, the Economist tier is coming together nicely. In the future, this tier will encompass the Mayor group, but expect more information about that in the future.

    For now, explore: http://www.minecraftserver.com/forum/wiki/survival-rank-pillars/
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  2. Greenjuice

    Greenjuice Member

    Dec 17, 2014
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    I like it. Good to see we're being kept informed before everything is set in stone and close to release.
  3. shadowslasher11

    shadowslasher11 Well Known Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    As a suggestion, think about putting Hunter/Warrior under the Fighter tree as one of those two ranks, if not both make sense as to why they'd be there.


    If you wanted to get somewhat technical. Put the Hunter rank into the Collectors tree, and the Warrior into the Fighters tree. As both of those would make perfect sense too. Hunters are collectors, they track down animals, capture them, and use them to move them to other areas of the map.

    Warriors, well, the name kinda speaks for itself. Fighters. Maybe give them increased fighting stats in things like axes, swords, bows, etc.

    Just a few small ideas.
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  4. Greenjuice

    Greenjuice Member

    Dec 17, 2014
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    Just my opinion, but i don't think you should give anyone a flat stat increase, as that would be pretty unfair in events. As for the Warrior class, it needs to be reworked, as anyone that bought the perk can spawn a wither now. Maybe Warriors would have an increased chance or even a guaranteed chance to get a nether star drop?
  5. BSPiotr_backup

    BSPiotr_backup Overseer

    Jun 21, 2011
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    For future reference, most of the perks will be overworld-only, so events wont be botched by warriors being better :)

    Things like the wither perk are why a "warrior" rank may be in name only and then possibly cheaper wither perk / other specialization :)
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  6. MasterTeddy32

    MasterTeddy32 New Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    I'm just looking forward to the Mayor rank xD
  7. watkinni1

    watkinni1 Active Member

    Aug 6, 2012
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    This system is a nice change while preserving a lot of aspects from previous maps. Noice
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  8. MasterTeddy32

    MasterTeddy32 New Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    I should've joined forums years ago :p