Denied Zekeieboy's Engineer App

Discussion in 'Designers / Engineers' started by zekeieboy, May 16, 2015.

  1. zekeieboy

    zekeieboy Member

    Dec 12, 2014
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    1. What is your in game name? zekeieboy
    2. Are you a constructor? Yes
    3. Are you the only builder on the project? Yes
    4. What is the warp to get to your plot? /p h:2 zekeieboy

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  2. stanky2

    stanky2 Overseer

    Jun 24, 2011
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    You need more - more... your jump area, is way too big for what you can do in it... honestly it just feels like you made it huge to fill in space. The coaster looks really nice but you have the redstone on the entire time so there is no speeding up or slowing down which is what you do on a real coster - see if you can work the redstone to even stop the cart for a few seconds and then shoot it off again. And the dropping cart - no coaster in the world does that. You want engineer - you need to really play with your redstone on stuff like coasters.

    You are getting there, but get rid of the filler stuff and work on the cool stuff - make it even better!
  3. zekeieboy

    zekeieboy Member

    Dec 12, 2014
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    Alright little pissed off but i'll get over it. Thanks for being honest though.
  4. stanky2

    stanky2 Overseer

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Don't be pissed off, you need to do some research - go look at the winning plots and see what we are looking for. You have some good ideas, and I think if you really put your mind to it you could make one of the best coasters on the server but you make some basic mistakes...

    What makes a good coaster?

    • Hide the redstone whenever possible - except for powered tracks, keep the wiring hidden.
    • Give people something to see while the ride it - scenery is important.
    • Multiple speeds keeps it from being boring... on a real coast you almost feel like the coaster is going to stop at the top of big hills...
    • Put in some action redstone - lights going on, blocks popping out, the coaster actually stopping and then shooting off
    • Don't do the quick turn snake thing where the cart just makes left and right turns really fast. It's never fun to ride that

    Now I like coasters that do not float - and look like they are supported, but sometimes you just can't do this and make it look good as a rider. So this has to be your choice.

    I think you can get Engineer, but play with that redstone some more, and make our games more fun
  5. zekeieboy

    zekeieboy Member

    Dec 12, 2014
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    Alright I'll do my best to fix these mistakes. Also is there anything else to change other than the coaster

    Also what kind of games should I add?
  6. stanky2

    stanky2 Overseer

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Just make your coaster fun - view some videos of epic coasters (not the ghostbuster or Beetlejuice mega coasters mind you) and see what you like about them and not.

    And nope, that's up to you...
  7. zekeieboy

    zekeieboy Member

    Dec 12, 2014
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    Alright thanks heaps for the advice Stanky!