The Return Of An Old Classic Feature! Stargates!

Discussion in 'News / Server Information' started by BSPiotr_backup, Feb 5, 2015.

  1. BSPiotr_backup

    BSPiotr_backup Overseer

    Jun 21, 2011
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    In a long-time coming return, we are starting to phase in an old, favored classic - Stargates!


    While not everything is set in stone *just yet* here are some important details for you to know:

    It will cost money to set up portals
    It will NOT cost money to use them
    You will NOT get money back from destroying your portals

    How much will it cost?
    We are aiming at the cost being 999 nuggets per gate - that's right! Cheaper than 1K each way! Only 1998 total for two portals!

    Can we add a cost to teleport?
    No. Portals will remain free to use. In addition, destroying portals does not get you your money back.

    Can we add any network?
    No, especially not at the beginning. At first, all networks will be limited to YOUR NAME. This is why we were waiting until the name changes dropped - for now you will only have access to the "yourname" network.

    What about shops?
    Shop portals will be set up by staff with their own set of rules: Expect there to be a surcharge to be on the shops network. More details to come shortly :)

    So no one can use my portals but me?
    This is not true - ANYONE can USE your portals, but ONLY YOU can make a new one on your network or destroy one on your network. This means other people will not be able to dial into your network.

    What about options?
    For now, there will be no options other than the standard gate. Over time, the options such as "Hidden" and "Private" will be made available at no charge. Over a longer period of time, some other options may be made available for a small nugget surcharge (read: Perk)

    Who can make portals?
    Any Citizen+ :)

    When are we getting them? AND DON'T SAY SOON!
    The Current Release Date is set on this SUNDAY (2/8/15) whenever I get back home and remember to make the changes.


    Other Notes / Errata:

    There are currently issues with the portals aligning correctly, the frames may only go East/West and may jut out of a N/S portal, this is purely graphical and a fix is being investigated.

    If you change your name, you will be unable to break old portals or dial into your old network. We are currently looking at a fix, but this may take time to happen.

    We have 3 materials - Obsidian, Coal Block, and Chiseled Quartz, and two sizes - Normal and Extra Wide (+1 width). This is a total of 6 portal frames. We may increase this over time.

    Edit: Dzyriq
    There is a Shop Hub in the making. Right now the plan is to get stargates up and working before we open it up
    #1 BSPiotr_backup, Feb 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2015
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  2. Stonemoney

    Stonemoney Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Well... then... this came quick.
  3. shadowslasher11

    shadowslasher11 Well Known Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Also notice how it's 999 gold to make one. You're fine.
  4. TorresFury73

    TorresFury73 Member

    Dec 27, 2013
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    Quick little question?
    can we enclose our stargates to make them private? for instance place them inside a room with a door, so you would need be added to a claimed area to access the stargate room.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  5. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Yes, you can do that.
  6. BSPiotr_backup

    BSPiotr_backup Overseer

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Yeah that is fine - expect the first few flags to become available in a week or so. ETA for the release is still tomorrow afternoon USA time
    • Dynamite Dynamite x 1
  7. Hunter72455

    Hunter72455 New Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Sweet. Stargates are back. So any citizen and above can make a stargate, for 999 nugs? I wonder how many new stargates will be made... I'll find out soon.
  8. BSPiotr_backup

    BSPiotr_backup Overseer

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Stargates are out! 999/gate = 1998 for two gates (which you'll need to make a connection)

    There are currently issues with the portals aligning correctly, the frames may only go East/West and may jut out of a N/S portal, this is purely graphical and a fix is being investigated. If you want things to look "nice" make the gates E/W when you can.

    If you change your name, you will be unable to break old portals or dial into your old network. We are currently looking at a fix, but this may take time to happen.

    We have 3 materials - Obsidian, Coal Block, and Chiseled Quartz, and two sizes - Normal and Extra Wide (+1 width). This is a total of 6 portal frames. We may increase this over time.
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Dynamite Dynamite x 1
  9. BSPiotr_backup

    BSPiotr_backup Overseer

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Am looking into ways to let people make custom network names without there being 100's of them now :)
    • Like Like x 2
  10. imme

    imme Well Known Member

    Jan 17, 2012
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    • Old Old x 1
  11. BSPiotr_backup

    BSPiotr_backup Overseer

    Jun 21, 2011
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    A few major updates:

    'H' - Hidden
    'P' - Private
    'B' - Backwards

    'B' is for a backwards facing gate (You will exit the back)

    Q) What is a "Hidden Gate"?
    A) A hidden gate is a gate on a network that is only shown on other gates destination lists if the player looking at them is its creator, or somebody with the stargate.hidden permission. A hidden gate can still be dialed out from by anybody unless it's set to Private.

    Q) What is a "Private Gate"?
    A) A private gate is a gate that can only be dialed out from by its creator, or somebody with the stargate.private permission. If it's not hidden then anybody can still dial into this gate.

    Options are placed one the 4th (last) line of the sign, and do not need commas between them
    eg: HPB would be a hiddden, private, and backwards gate.


    New networks for everyone:
    H-????+ (H- followed by at least 4 characters)

    New network for marketers:
    M-????+ (M- followed by at least 4 characters)

    New network for Mayors:
    T-????+ (T- followed by at least 4 characters)

    Please NOTE: these are "public" networks - anyone can dial in / out and destroy them unless the gates are INSIDE A REGION, and HAVE THE H/P OPTIONS

    so, to make a "public" gate to your house, use the home network. To make one a bit more private (to keep the list smaller), use the H-namehere network. To make it VERY private (so you have a convenient gate system of your own) make sure to use the HP option :)

    #11 BSPiotr_backup, Jun 9, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2015
  12. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    I do have a question. You say: "Please NOTE: these are "public" networks - anyone can dial in / out and destroy them unless the gates are INSIDE A REGION, and HAVE THE H/P OPTIONS"

    i understand the inside a region part. But why does it HAVE to have the H/P options enabled in order to be protected from people destroying them? Or is that just a run together thought process and they are two separate statements?

    Also, I created a gate on both H- and M- and it says Destination list is empty. Did I mess it up or is it just that nobody has made any gates on those networks yet?
    #12 Exavious, Jun 9, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2015
  13. BSPiotr_backup

    BSPiotr_backup Overseer

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Outside of a region, a gate may have H and P which will stop non-owner from destroying them. H and P also stop dialing in. You could avoid H and P options for a "public" gate.
    So yes, I both ran together two thoughts and that is how it works :)

    To your second question: There are two "tiers" of networks I gave people access to:
    You can put your gate on the "Market" network, which will dial into all non-hidden/private "market" gates (see last map)
    You can put your gate on the "M-stuffhere" network, which in your case exavious, would be used (for example) to link all your markets together on your own subnetwork. Others could dial into those gates (and even the M-stuffhere network) unless you HP the gates. So the reason your destination list is empty is because neither you (nor anyone else) has created a second M-Examart gate

    I would be happy to refund your money for this gate if you meant to place it onto the public network and was confused by my statement.
  14. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    I seem to have misunderstood how it worked it appears. I made a M- and H- thinking they were server wide networks not specific to me, I would very much appreciate a refund if possible for those gates. They are both in my shop. Thanks for the clarification :)
  15. BSPiotr_backup

    BSPiotr_backup Overseer

    Jun 21, 2011
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    you know I'm not sure if I refunded you so I dropped 2 gates-worth of gold in the chest to the left of your stargate (let me know if I wasn't supposed to destroy it >_>)
  16. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Ah, no you had not I was waiting to catch you online but we seem to play at different times. The gate you destroyed was my spawn shop gate, the two gates M- and H- are in ExaMart that gate led to. I can go ahead and take down the two gates in ExaMart and remake that one at spawn, if you want to refund me 1 gates worth to cover that gate at spawn that would be cool :) if not it is fine, I know your busy.