Tug (early Access)

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by MojoBunny, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. MojoBunny

    MojoBunny Well Known Member

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Bought this game for 1 buck when it was on sale. It's influenced by Minecraft but it's more about exploration and not blocky like Minecraft. I thought about buying Salt too, but I decided to buy just this one for now.

    Their minimum requirement for your computer hardware is kinda high.
    Operating System: Windows® 7 or 8
    Processor: Quad-core Intel® or AMD® processor
    Memory: 4 GB RAM
    GPU: DirectX® 11 compatible card with 1 GB RAM, nVidia® 4XX+/AMD® 5XXX+ --> @_@

    So far, there are lots of bugs, but it's interesting enough for me to play for a bit :3

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  2. edsta024

    edsta024 Active Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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    I have seen some youtubers play this game. It looks interesting. I may have to get it while its in early access to help support it. It may not be the 'flashiest' game but hell, we are on a minecraft forum and play minecraft. I know some of us you nice shaders and fancy resource packs, but this game does look a bit more appealing visually compared to just 'blocks'. Even the new Lego game is looking pretty good.

    It is good to see that they are indeed still working on this game and really trying to make it work. We will have to see how it grows.
  3. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    I have had it on my wishlist for a while as it looks very interesting but waiting for it to reach full release, seen to many of these early access games die and never get completed.