Fermi's Trivia Tourney (part 1)

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Wrathyio, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Before attempting a response, please read the rules and how the game works.

    —1) Ensure that you have fully addressed the question(s).
    —2) Ensure that your grammar is easy to understand.
    —3) Ensure that your answer is not ambiguous such that more than one interpretation can be drawn from it.
    —4) Please number your answers accordingly with their respective questions. You do not need to copy and paste the questions.
    —5) Do not use any resource to aid you in answering these questions.
    —6) You cannot attempt to answer a question more than once. If you did not answer all of the questions in your first message, you can attempt to answer ones you have not attempted in another message.
    —7) Remember that this game is just for fun. There will be some questions that may seem difficult, and others that may seem easier.

    How the Game Works
    A set of questions will be given to you. You can attempt to answer any amount or combination of them. You do not have to answer all of them. If you are the first person to answer a particular question correctly, you win an MCS prize that I had assigned to each question. Some questions will have better prizes than others, but none of the prizes will be bad. I will reply to your answer saying what you got correct and what you won. For instance, 1000 GN or a stack of diamonds. I will mark the questions that have been answered correctly as answered, so make sure that you aren't answering questions that no longer need to be answered. I will post saying when there is an hour remaining for any further attempts.
  2. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Questions (Part 1)

    1) What does the Earth orbit within our solar system? - time expired.

    2) Explain if and why water drains in a different direction in the two hemispheres. - answered correctly by BC519.

    3) Where is the "sweetest place on Earth," and who founded it? - answered correctly by Marshall.

    4) Who once famously dreamt of traveling close to the speed of light? - answered correctly by Greenjuice.

    5) What is the highest place on Earth? - answered correctly by Marshall.

    6) Who invented peanut butter? - answered correctly by Marshall.
    #2 Wrathyio, Jul 18, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2015
  3. Greenjuice

    Greenjuice Member

    Dec 17, 2014
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    My answers. don't open before giving your own answers! (open)
    1. The sun.
    2. Yes, because the Earth is tilted slightly (If you think of space as a flat plane).
    3. umm... a candy factory? (no idea)
    4. No idea. Albert Einstein as a random guess.
    5. The top of the Mount Everest, if you mean the highest terrain.
    6. I think i heard the answer to this at some point but can't remember it.

    I like this, looking forward to the next set of questions! Don't really care about the prizes though. This is fun on it's own.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Congrats to Greenjuice for answering question 4 correctly! You've won 1500 GN!
  5. Marshall

    Marshall Survival Staff

    Sep 14, 2012
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    1. The moon?
    2. Yes, Coriolis effect?
    3. Hershey Park, Milton S. Hershey
    5. Mount Chimborazo
    6. Aztecs
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    1.) Our parent star, The Sun
    4.) Doesn't actually happen - However hurricanes spin in opposite directions thanks to the Coriolis effect.
    5.) Chimborazo - Mile and a half taller than Everest
    6.) The Aztecs, though the patent on it belongs to a Canadian
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Congratulations to Marshall for answering questions 3, 5, and 6 correctly! You've won 500 GN, 32 diamonds, and 1000 GN!
  8. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Congratulations to BC519 for answering question 2 correctly! You've won 16 diamonds and 500 GN!
  9. Marshall

    Marshall Survival Staff

    Sep 14, 2012
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    1. Center of the Milky Way Galaxy
  10. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    That's not correct, but remember, you can only try a question once.
  11. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    1 Hour Remaining
  12. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Answer to number 1: Our planet directly orbits the Sun and its gravitational pull on us while also indirectly orbiting Mercury and Venus who have a closer orbit than us.
  13. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Close :)
  14. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    oh, then i know what your talking about. To bad i can't answer again. I thought you were referring to actual objects.
  15. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    I figured - you seemed to know what you were talking about. ;)
  16. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    The tournament has ended. I'll post in-depth answers to all of these soon. Check back for another tourney sometime!
  17. Wrathyio

    Wrathyio Active Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Answers to Questions (Part 1)

    1) What does the Earth orbit within our solar system? - time expired.
    We've always been taught that, within our solar system, the Earth orbits the sun, but in fact, it orbits what is called the barycenter. The barycenter is the center of mass of the entire solar system. In fact, even the sun orbits the barycenter. The barycenter can overlap with the sun sometimes, but it can also be outside of the sun. This means that the Earth is gravitating towards what appears to be empty space. Imagine if you were to take all of the gravitational forces acting on the Earth: from the sun, moon, other planets, etc. Now if you were to add up these vector forces (or "average" these forces, if that doesn't make sense to you), the net force would be in the direction pointing towards the barycenter. Here is a diagram that gives a generic representation of the earth (small circle) and the sun (large circle) orbiting the barycenter (crosshair).

    2) Explain if and why water drains in a different direction in the two hemispheres. - answered correctly by BC519.
    Everyone has probably heard this at some point in time. People tend to think that if you live in different hemispheres (ie. Europe and Australia), the water drains in the opposite direction, such as when flushing a toilet. This is simply not true. The reason for this belief is the Coriolis effect. The Coriolis effect is the effect that the Earth's rotation has on the movement of objects. When referring to things like sinks, bathtubs, etc., this is too small of a scale for the Coriolis effect to be, well, effective. For things like hurricanes, as BC519 stated, that are of much larger scale, the Coriolis effect does have a significant effect. I presume that even maelstroms exhibit this phenomenon. What determines the way that your water drains is almost entirely dependent upon the structure of the sink or bathtub. You would have to create a very controlled and impractical environment in order for the Coriolis effect to ultimately determine the direction in which your water drains. Here is a diagram that models Coriolis deflections.

    3) Where is the "sweetest place on Earth," and who founded it? - answered correctly by Marshall.
    Milton Hershey, famous for his namesake chocolate bar, founded the city of Hershey, Pennsylvania, where Hershey bars are manufactured. The town is often known as "the sweetest place on Earth."

    4) Who once famously dreamt of traveling close to the speed of light? - answered correctly by Greenjuice.
    Albert Einstein once dreamt of hurdling down a mountainside at nearly the speed of light. As he looked at the stars, he noticed that the stars changed in appearance as he moved faster and faster. It is this dream that supposedly led him to his most famous equation: E = mc^2. (Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.)

    5) What is the highest place on Earth? - answered correctly by Marshall.

    Mount Everest is not only the largest mountain on Earth, its peak is the highest point from sea-level. However, the highest point on Earth, or in other words, the furthest point from the center of the Earth, is the peak of Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador. The reason for this is because the Earth is not actually a sphere. It's an ellipsoid, or more specifically, an oblate ellipsoid (think of a three-dimensional oval or oblong sphere). The Earth bulges along its equator due to the Earth's rotational inertia (sometimes referred to as centripetal "force"). Because of this, places along the equator (such as Ecuador) are further from the center than those not at the equator (Mount Everest is considerably further north of the equator). Here is a picture of Mount Chimborazo as well as an exaggerated representation of the Earth's shape.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    6) Who invented peanut butter? - answered correctly by Marshall.

    Many people have thought that George Washington Carver invented peanut butter, but he actually only promoted over 300 uses for peanuts, with at least one of them being peanut butter. Peanuts have been mashed into pastes for centuries and can be traced back to the Aztecs.
    • Winner Winner x 1