Before attempting a response, please read the rules and how the game works. Rules —1) Ensure that you have fully addressed the question(s). —2) Ensure that your grammar is easy to understand. —3) Ensure that your answer is not ambiguous such that more than one interpretation can be drawn from it. —4) Please number your answers accordingly with their respective questions. You do not need to copy and paste the questions. —5) Do not use any resource to aid you in answering these questions. —6) You cannot attempt to answer a question more than once. If you did not answer all of the questions in your first message, you can attempt to answer ones you have not attempted in another message. —7) Remember that this game is just for fun. There will be some questions that may seem difficult, and others that may seem easier. How the Game Works A set of questions will be given to you. You can attempt to answer any amount or combination of them. You do not have to answer all of them. If you are the first person to answer a particular question correctly, you win an MCS prize that I had assigned to each question. Some questions will have better prizes than others, but none of the prizes will be bad. I will reply to your answer saying what you got correct and what you won. For instance, 1000 GN or a stack of diamonds. I will mark the questions that have been answered correctly as answered, so make sure that you aren't answering questions that no longer need to be answered. I will post saying when there is an hour remaining for any further attempts.
Questions (Part 3) 1) In what state of matter do particles stop moving completely? 2) What is the exact convergence point of this summation? - answered by watkinni1. 3) What is the exact convergence point of this summation? 4) Roughly 175 million years ago, all of the Earth's continents were combined as one big supercontinent often referred to by what name? - answered by Greenjuice. 5) An object will reach terminal velocity during free fall when what two forces are equal? - answered by Luciano. 6) Douglas Hofstadter most notably coins what concept in his book Gödel, Escher, Bach? 7) When a planet is situated in a solar system not too far and not too close to its star, such that it can support life, it is in what astronomers call the ______ ______. - answered by Villa7. 8) What flower has the largest bloom? - answered by blakethecrafter. 9) What law states that an increase in the speed of a fluid results in a decrease in pressure? 10) Complete the analogy. addition: subtraction multiplication: division exponent: root logarithm: ______ - answered correctly by watkinni1. 11) What are the previous three terms of the sequence? __, __, __, 4, 8, 1, 2, -5, -10, -17 - answered by Lego90210. 12) Solve the equation using only a pencil, paper, and calculator for basic calculations, and describe the most efficient method in doing so (guess and check is not efficient). - answered correctly by LunarisKitten.
My answers (Move your mouse to reveal the content) My answers (open) My answers (close) 1. Solid 4. Pangea, or at least that's one of them. I think there were multiple through time. 12. 3891888 x 1600 = 6227020800 The problem with the maths and physics questions is that i've learned (some things i just haven't learned yet) is that i learned everything in Dutch so with some of the questions i have no idea what you mean. 5. for example i might know in Dutch but i don't know what the words are in English. Oh well, i can answer some of them at least. Can't get all of them anyway.
Congratulations to Villa7 for answering question 7 correctly! You've won 200 GN! I actually didn't know it was called that, but apparently that is the more correct term. I was only familiar with the colloquial term, the "Goldilocks Zone."
12) x=13 3891888*1600= x! 6227020800=x! To get the factorial you take 1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10x11x12x13 which = 6227020800 so x=13