Your personality type: “The Advocate” (INFJ-T) Strength of individual traits: Introverted: 40%, Intuitive: 50%, Feeling: 54%, Judging: 9%, Turbulent: 54% Role: Diplomat Strategy: Constant Improvement Variant: Turbulent
I got INFP ("The Mediator") and the variant is Assertive, though it always seems to be on the fence between Assertive and Turbulent every other day. Pretty darn accurate.
INTP - Logician, the smartass with a superiority complex. Sounds like me. Though I was probably answering with what I wish I was like
INTP ("The Logician") INTPs – they are shy and withdrawn individuals, and getting out and meeting new people, risking rejection and making themselves the center of attention in emotionally delicate situations are far from being their strengths. That's me alright. Certainly agreed with some things in there. Definitely interesting.
See who falls into the same category as you. Sentinels (open) Sentinels (close) ISTJ "Logistician" ----- ISFJ "Defender" Dettles Exavious ESTJ "Executive" edsta024 ESFJ "Consult" ----- Explorers (open) Explorers (close) ISTP "Virtuoso" ----- ISFP "Adventurer" GamerTag Graciie Sparx ESTP "Entrepreneur" HarryTurney ESFP "Entertainer" rocman Diplomats (open) Diplomats (close) INFJ "Advocate" Lego90210 flubbyfluffer bobos193 Villa7 Killerbeast03 INFP "Mediator" Aqua Gonzxor Luciano Marshall PONM Sahib ENFJ "Protagonist" coolskimmpyss ENFP "Campaigner" Tiddler39 xariaxx Hermit Analysts (open) Analysts (close) INTJ "Architect" ----- INTP "Logician" Fermi dankbae69 TribalGiant ENTJ "Commander" MojoBunny ENTP "Debater" shadowslasher11 Thr0ttie Green names are those who may have indicated that their results were accurate. Yellow names are those who did not indicate whether their results were accurate or not. Orange names are those who may have indicated that their results were only partially accurate. Red names are those who may have indicated that their results were innacurate. Personality types aren't always accurate descriptors of our personalities. If you feel like you were misdiagnosed, I encourage you to try the test again. Just be sure that you are taking your time, thinking about what exactly the questions are asking you, and ensuring that you are answering what is true, not what you want to be true. Post again if your new test result seems more accurate to you!
Personality typing isn't an exact match of someone's personality. It was theorized that there were about 16 personality types. Personality types can summarize how a person thinks, how a person acts, how a person feels, how a person is perceived, how a person perceives others, and many other things, too. How a person thinks is what determines everything else about their personality. If you're extroverted (E), you're likely to be more open with your personality, as opposed to introverts (I) who are more likely to conceal it to some variable extent. Both traits have their pros and their cons. E's tend to be more sociable, but live their world on the outside mostly, while I's tend to be less sociable, but live their world on the inside (thought) more. A person who is "sensing" (S) is more observant than a person who is "intuition" (N). People who are sensing rely primarily on their five basic senses. That is how they gather information. People who are intuitive rely primarily on their mind to work out problems in their heads, and that is there way of gathering information. Those who are feelers (F) are those who tend to rely on their feelings about a situation to make decisions, and those who are thinkers (T) tend to rely on their thinking skills (rationalization) to make decisions. And those who have the perceiving trait (P) tend to be more unorganized and creative, and those who have the judging trait (J) tend to have a good work ethic and are organized. That's a very rough analysis of the 8 traits, but it should give you the idea that the world needs a little bit of all of them. You may also have noticed that the test shows you how much a trait actually represents you. For instance, I was about: 75% I, 25% E 95% N, 5% S 60% T, 40% F 65% P, 35% J Be happy with your personality type (assuming you feel it's accurate). INFP's are one of the smartest types out there (even if they don't have the T trait). Personality types don't measure intelligence, they measure how we think. Everyone thinks differently, which is what makes the world go 'round.
ENTERTAINER (ESFP-T) I will make you smile! MIND This trait determines how we interact with our environment. 51% EXTRAVERTED 49% INTROVERTED ENERGY This trait shows where we direct our mental energy. 47% INTUITIVE 53% OBSERVANT NATURE This trait determines how we make decisions and cope with emotions. 39% THINKING 61% FEELING TACTICS This trait reflects our approach to work, planning and decision-making. 26% 74% PROSPECTING IDENTITY This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions. 46% ASSERTIVE 54% TURBULENT 590K SHARES ESFP PERSONALITY (“THE ENTERTAINER”) I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you surely don't deserve me at my best. Marilyn Monroe If anyone is to be found spontaneously breaking into song and dance, it is the ESFP personality type. ESFPs get caught up in the excitement of the moment, and want everyone else to feel that way, too. No other personality type is as generous with their time and energy as ESFPs when it comes to encouraging others, and no other personality type does it with such irresistible style.