The Anime Thread

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by BC519, Aug 8, 2015.

  1. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    With my interest in this updated thanks to Edsta, I figure it's time to make one of these threads.

    I want to make a posting etiquette of one anime per person so an anime isn't repeated.
    I'd also like to follow a basic out line of

    Anime Name:
    Dub or Sub:
    Number of Episodes:
    Basic Plot:
    Reason why you like it:

    So with being the first poster, I will go first:

    Anime Name: Aldnoah Zero

    Dub or Sub: Sub, though I prefer Dubbed Animes, sub is the only available option right now

    Number of Episodes: First season - 13 Episodes

    Basic Plot: Earth is oppressed by Martians with superior technology that borders magic. An assassination is attempted against the young Martian princess whilst on a visit to Earth. Hell then proceeds to break lose.

    Reason why you like it: The story moves fast. You create a connection with most of the main characters within the first episode. Strategy is used on a wide scale throughout this storyline.

    This story could be taken on a whole deeper level with the Genocides committed by seemingly first world countries with superior technologies.
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  2. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    @edsta024 whyuno post?!?

    Anime Name: Baccano
    Dub or Sub: Dub
    Number of Episodes: 16
    Basic Plot: There isn't a basic plot that you can follow. It jumps between story lines at random points. But it's about a train ride to New York in the early 1930's.
    Reason why you like it: It's not just something you watch one of. It's an anime where you have to be intelligent to keep up.
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  3. edsta024

    edsta024 Active Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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    Oh my glob.. I didn't notice. I have been absent here on the forums. Sorry. I will post soon! (Later tonight)
  4. edsta024

    edsta024 Active Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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    I have to put it up..

    Anime Name: Code Geass

    Dub or Sub: Both are pretty good. I watched it as it aired in Japan, then in English.

    Number of Episodes: 50

    Basic Plot: A young man is given the power of persuasion, in a sense. He decides to use this power to make the world a better place.

    Reason you will like it: Another fast moving anime with a lot of action. It has good normal fights and glorious Mech fights. The story itself is an emotional and psychological rollercoaster.

    **If you watch this I STRONGLY recommend finishing it to the end. You will not gain a true appreciation nor understanding for the series unless you do. You miss out on the whirlwind of events that take place to take it where it ends up.
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  5. edsta024

    edsta024 Active Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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    I will have to check this one out.
  6. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Anime Name: Durarara

    Dub or Sub:Dub all day - Johnny Young Bosch fan girl here.

    Number of Episodes: S1- 26 episodes S2 - Not sure yet, it's only out in Japan

    Basic Plot: Like Bacano, there isn't a plot, so to speak. It jumps point of views and all sorts of fun things.

    Reason why you like it: You have to be intelligent to know what's going on. The goal of the author is to either

    A.) Confuse the shit out of everyone
    B.) Mindfuck you. Not in a Code Geass sorta way though.