How to defend yourself from "Hackers"

Discussion in 'Minecraft Server Tutorials' started by BC519, Feb 23, 2012.

  1. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    There are a lot of people losing their accounts to hackers. Here's a few tips to defend yourself from them.

    Password Selection
    The password is the front line of your defense when it comes to computer stuff.
    The longer the password the better. Make sure to have at least 1 capital letter and 1 number.

    Some of my passwords have 2 numbers.

    Make sure to write down your password if you just created it.

    Also, don't use your dogs name, your moms name, etc... Common sense may not be too common but still, most of you are intelligent. You found these forums didn't you?

    Security Questions
    This can possibly be your savior from smarter hackers. If you have easy to figure out security questions then you are a sitting duck.

    Opinions are the hardest thing to figure out. Use these if you have the option.
    Places you don't frequent or first vacationed to are also viable. Only because you and your parents (Most likely) are the only people who know.

    Do not use your mom's/grandmother's maiden name, your first car (Some of us are in our first car still), anything that can easily be researched.

    Posting Stuff On Facebook
    This is for general safety.

    Don't update status by location, don't add people you don't know. Even if your BFF Cindy says he's totally not a creep.
    I don't want to read or hear about you in the news, then again... It's on you and I don't really have emotions to care.

    Also, don't post anything you don't want your parents to know about.
    Look up the guy who shot his daughters laptop for posting ignorant stuff on Facebook.

    Careful taking pictures too. Any street signs or school photos and people know where you're going to be.

    Hide your phone number on there too, I've gotten text messages from random numbers because my phone was connected to my account.

    SMS Protection
    Do it. If someone tries to log onto your account from a different location then the computers you approve, you get a text message.

    Most e-mail providers suggest doing this.

    Don't do it. Unless it is from the main website.

    There are no true hacks for any game you are playing right now. There is no such thing as free Photoshop.

    The majority of the programs on Youtube are visual basic programs with Trojan payloads.

    Don't be gullible.

    When in doubt, Virus Total it.

    Final Comments (IE: TLDR)
    Connect your accounts to your phone.
    Make long complicated passwords, that you can remember.
    Don't download anything from a source you can't trust.
    Be careful what you post on Facebook. It can and will come back to bite you.
    Consider Facebook as permanent public record.
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  2. razer01

    razer01 Active Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Nice tutorial!
  3. Dzyriq

    Dzyriq Just another humble Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    This one is so good that ill sticky it. Internet security is important.


    Your Computer saftey does not only depend on your protection software. It also depends on you not takeing any risks with software from suspicious sources. (This includes cracked programs as well.) 1 unknown virus/trojan is enough to break your computer security. So Be aware of the risks.
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  4. stanky2

    stanky2 Overseer

    Jun 24, 2011
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    I think it could use some editing and clearing up, maybe take out the personal references - how many times you got hacked, etc... one thing to clear up is that passwords should never be shared. A persons password on this board should not be the same as their MC password. If someone hacks either account, both become compromised - or worse - if you use the same password for your paypal account, that is now compromised as well.

    Make them aware that some mods, even widly-used mods, have malicious code that can not only help infect their computer but capture their password and mail it off to hackers. Only use MC mods that are necessary, and do your research before installing them. And only get them from the developers site - never a 3rd party - including someone you think is a friend.
  5. andyz118

    andyz118 Active Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    My email got hacked, all my facebook, minecraft and many other inportant stuff is attached to that. Luckilly my account was shut down so it's safe. But what if i want to change my password?
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  6. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Change your password. And your "I Forgot my password" questions.
    Start a new email if you think it may happen again, and please multiple passwords.

    Remember being secure and being paranoid are 2 different things in the same genre. Security is a must.
    • Like Like x 2
  7. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Part 2 will be up in a day or 2. If there is anything else you'd like to see on how to protect from, like social engineering/con-artists or being pick-pocketed, I can probably help. Inbox me with requests or questions.
  8. Xalvor

    Xalvor Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    I have a question, If I go onto youtube to find a how to on how to install a minecraft mod or something like that and it has the download in it should i trust the download o3o?
  9. bajj597

    bajj597 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2011
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    Sometimes they are reliable, but I wouldn't if I were you. Just google that mod and look for it on the website.
  10. Xalvor

    Xalvor Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Well my dad has so many anti virius's jacked up onto my computer i bet they would detect them instantly ;p
  11. bajj597

    bajj597 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2011
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    Still not good to bet on that ;)
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  12. beckiebird

    beckiebird Active Member

    Nov 10, 2011
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    I have about 5 different passwords cause every few years I go through this phase where I need a new password...So I have an old one about a pet, a semi old one which consisted of boredness, an the on I use now, which is easy but hard to figure out :3
  13. scotch222

    scotch222 Well Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    oh let me guess 'scotch is sexy in diamond armor' :p
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  14. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    My Minecraft Has Only Got Hacked But It Didnt Do Anything To Me Since I Got It Back Quick.
  15. What about Viruses themselves?
    I was a victim of a bad virus infection 2hours ago, and needed to get some help.
    What about guiding people in nice lines, what sites are suspicious, or just buy Norton?
    'Hacked' is now used in many terms, but the real meaning is totaly different of what normal people think it is...
    Not to bet on 100%, but a good(GOOD) protection/shield CAN help a lot, so if a person with a 'bad' AntiVirus, or just a AntiVirus that aint so strong, can defend their PC(really can), then a jacked up cyber PC can hold up longer...
    And as Dzy says, cracked programs/games/whatever that is cracked, CAN or WILL hurt your PC, but some won't.
    The cracked programes do not have a 100% guarantee they are virus free, so dont tackle with cracked shit.
    Also, in stages of Minecraft Beta, my first MC account was hacked, what was not to be retrieved, and after a long long long time, I found out, that it was my BFF, that hacked my mail, then facebook, then twitter and skype, and finally MC...
    So, best is to have more passwords than one, for skype one, facebook one etc, and to NOT forget the 'I forgot my password' questions, cuz they are one of the best things to pull you outta shit... (when you get hacked/really forget your pass)

    And a small tip if you are in DEEP shit, full of viruses, and without ANY antivirus, and you are getting attacked.
    Cant buy a AntiVirus, browsers close when you want to pay, and Norton/other AntiViruses cant be bought but on browsers.... what now? - Buy your PC companies AntiVirus, which may sometimes cost a bit more, but can be your life saver... I, got hacked today, and even that I was in deep shit, I just went for ANY option out there... had a HELL of a night, but got my PC back on its tracks...-by buying normal Windows AntiVirus.
    Just keep in mind some things: (Short from the whole text)
    -Have different passwords for facebook,twitter,skype,mail... etc.
    -Do NOT share any of your passwords with anyone! ANYONE!
    -Do NOT enter 'suspicious' sites.... even if u got a itsy bitsy doubt, dont...
    -Get a AntiVirus, and be ALWAYS updated.
    -Scan your computer maybe every day, as it does not take too much time.
    -If you want to be a bit more sure, google mods, and dont enter the links in YouTube descriptions;Bajj
    -Don't make your passwords easy, like your pets name or friends name, or anything easy to guess.. cuz worst enemies can sometimes be the people you know best - and they know you best too.
    -Don't enter your Visa/PayPal/whatever card number, if its not 100% sure...
    -If you are not sure if you can fix the virus/problem yourself, contact your closest PC supplier, or a electronic shop, or even bring it there.
    -Don't open Ads like: You are the daily winner of: 'bla bla'... or Catch the: 'bla bla' or any add.

    And BC5, tacosforpacos12 CAN be guessed but there is 1.30767436E12 chances of getting it right! :p
    (the number is gotten by calculating on phone)

    Point of this comment - the World Wide Net is dangerous, and many 'hackers' are out there.
    No matter amateour or pro, both can fuck you up, badly.
    Thanks for reading this huge text. :3

    -UnWiseDude - Wise as a brick!
  16. And sorry if I had some jacked letters/skipped some letters, Im tired, stressed, sad, and disappointed.
    Just wanted to give you back some feedback of what I think...
  17. Kenny

    Kenny Well Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    if you buy norton, you deserve to be hacked :p. go with AVG or Avast, trendmicro even. and spybot S&D is a must as well (not an AV, but soooo damn useful). oh and any decent routers have built in firewalls that will help if you can set up right.
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  18. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I for one, do not trust anti-virus companies. Every time we load up norton on my uncle's computer...Two weeks later it has a virus. McAfee was discovered creating viruses in the 90's... but no one heard about it.

    The best protection is knowledge. If you know how to defend yourself from attacks and viruses then there is no chance you can get a virus.

    In other news... the U.S. created stuxnet (uber virus) to prevent Iran from creating "wmd's"
    Obama is still pushing for the internet kill switch.
    A cyber war is for y'all to be prepared.
  19. Kenny

    Kenny Well Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    Knowledge is power, but a lil help wont hrt :p. and like I said in my last posty, norton sucks
  20. Hail_a3

    Hail_a3 Stars of the Forums

    Oct 12, 2011
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    If you know what you are doing, Norton can be a very useful tool. I use it, in conjunction with Spybot and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware when/if things go bad. I get the full suite free with subscription to my cable/internet provider. It does good scans (much better than that registr-deleting McAffee) and serves its basic purpose. I don't want my AV software to be too active. If things go south, I know how to clean it. I don't need an overzealous AV getting in the way. Trust me, there are a lot more precautions I take against being hacked, but the full-service Norton is much better than the free versions of AVG or Avast. I install those on computers I fix/build for people in hopes they will purchase the full version, but seeing how my college status has me a bit broke (I know, I know... SD), the Full-version of norton has been quite the blessing.