No Man's Sky. A Game Finally Bigger Than Minecraft

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by IllusionIte_, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. IllusionIte_

    IllusionIte_ Active Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    go here to watch what will be HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of times bigger that minecraft
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  2. IllusionIte_

    IllusionIte_ Active Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    Minecraft is about the size of Neptune. and No Man's Sky would take 5 billion human years to visit every planet in the game. This game has also been in development for over 5 years. This game is HUGE.
    #2 IllusionIte_, Nov 9, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
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  3. IllusionIte_

    IllusionIte_ Active Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    I just really hope that my PC can handle it.
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  4. eightnine

    eightnine Active Member

    May 23, 2012
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    It does seem like an interesting idea for a game, but can a game be too big? Will it have some kind of system in place so that you can meet up with your buds without flying 50 billion light years? Will you ever run into another living being while exploring the cosmos?

    I really like the idea of this game. My inner fan-boy wishes that it was Firefly themed.
  5. Greenjuice

    Greenjuice Member

    Dec 17, 2014
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    Sheer size isn't everything. By far most of the planets will be dead. It will take ages to find life (unless you're doing a press conference demo, in which case any "completely random planet yup definitely didn't plan this at all nope" will have life on it). Technically it's huge, yes but most of it is empty.

    Minecraft is also like this, although to a slightly lesser extent as it is more populated. If you explore and map out everything as far as the game will go, It's massive. But until you do so the game is as big as the areas you've visited. And most of that space you will never do anything with apart from minor edits to the terrain while travelling through it or resource gathering. And after playing it for a while you can see the patterns and most terrain will look similar.

    I'd rather have a smaller game where you frequently come across new content than a gigantic game with 80% nothingness and 20% interesting stuff, even if that 20% is the best experience you will ever have. It's not worth all the boredom.

    To me, Spore is about the limit. It's a massive galaxy where you can explore every little planet and you can even find Earth if you want to, but at the end of the day you will only inhabit a very small part of it. It's not so big that it forces you to explore it all, but still big enough to have that huge, galactic scale to it.
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  6. Lego90210

    Lego90210 Active Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    From what it looks like, the game is more of a space exploration and space shoot-em-up game at first glance than a construction sandbox voxel like Minecraft. Since the game seems early from release and with no public reviews on steam and lack of footage from game-play, it's hard for me to draw a conclusion about being 'bigger than Minecraft' at this time.

    To say it's bigger than MC, physically yes, the universe in No Man's Sky is infinite as Minecraft's physical world can only be defined by the restrictions provided by users, game modifications, and/or physical system. As far as the hype goes in the term of 'game size,' there's very little to go off of at this time to know for sure if it will take off. With how hectic the steam front store page is, there's plenty of chances for games to go noticed, but also to become lost to the world buried under the other titles, and given that the game still has yet to be given a rating by the community- it's still too early to tell what bugs are present, if it will work on (X) type of computer, etc, but I digress. This game though I would say does have a chance if the trailer is enough to push the game to the store front, as well as the 'New Release' section, and so on. Also with people passing it on by word of forum like this thread should play to the benefit along with a few other factors. Until I see a bit more community activity, I have yet to be convinced as to put down money for it, and yet to see any hype so far concerning the bigger than MC assumption with how different the games are.

    There's some differences between Minecraft and No Man's Sky, and that difference makes it difficult to accurately predict how well the game will do. The game looks good in it's graphics and game play, but like Greenjuice said, there's plenty of depth in the infinite to explore but most of it seems empty- unless the game has a mechanic that spawns unique entities on planets and deep space. To know this for sure will require game play, and so far there's little to go off of at this time. The mechanics for the game also look decent, though unlike the building and voxel block-pixel style of Minecraft, you more interact with areas to learn about your surroundings and witness how those surroundings react; rather than tear something down to build something else up. With these mechanics, along with similar mechanics in other games like MC, No Man's Sky, and even a few other games in general, have been projected to 'out hype' Minecraft. So far No Man's Sky compared to Minecraft may not fair any differently to other games with similar predictions, but that could be wrong. Like this whole thread, it's an assumption. It's this difference between the two games, as well as what's happened to other games of similar sort, that make it hard to predict the hype accurately.

    Then again we can always have the wishful thinking.

    The game does have potential as does every game out on Steam store page and internet, weather it will do well or not only time will tell.
    Nevertheless, one more game added to my wishlist to follow.
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  7. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    It looks interesting, after watching the video you put on here I went and watched some actual informational videos about the game as well as gameplay videos from gamespot and It looks very promising and would love to see a game like this thrive and succeed at what it set out to do. Its almost a hybrid between Homeworld and Spore. Will keep my eye on it :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Greenjuice

    Greenjuice Member

    Dec 17, 2014
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    I don't think No Man's Sky should be compared with Minecraft. As Exavious said, it's a lot more like Spore/Homeworld. As far as how successful it will be, it's been at E3 multiple times and there's quite a lot of eyes on it. There are a bunch of people (me included) that are very skeptical about it, but a lot more people that are very excited about it, probably for the scale of it. I'd say wait for reviews (proper ones, Steam reviews are awful. Don't listen to them). If they say it's decent/good, and you still want to play it after seeing what it's like when it's played properly, not massively scripted for marketing purposes, go for it I guess.

    Remember, every bit of footage with the developers/publishers involved exists purely to make you want to buy the game. Do not let it win you over until you've read/seen reviews.
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  9. Lego90210

    Lego90210 Active Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    I don't think the games should be compared to each other either. Like said the game Minecraft is a voxel-pixel, and No Man's Sky is more open universe. Might confuse some people depending on wording.

    So far as hype is concerned yes there's going to be two sides, attention is attention just the same. Weather it's bigger than MC's hype when that was released, no idea.

    I'm still waiting on reviews, I like to use Youtube for game play and previews for a simple source.
  10. IllusionIte_

    IllusionIte_ Active Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    I just relate No Man's Sky with Minecraft because Minecraft basically has a reputation for being very large, and No Man's Sky is most likely going to be known for its size too. oh, and i'm most likely going to do the same; just wait for the reviews.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Kenny

    Kenny Well Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    heres a video from 5 days ago talking about factions.

  12. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I might actually buy a PS4 to play with family and friends irl.
    My comp can barely handle Ages of the Empire, and FTB.

    I don't feel like building the 'Ultimate Budget Tower' right now.
  13. Kenny

    Kenny Well Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    well, I preorder it today, I WILL play this game if I have to franken another PC together.
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  14. edsta024

    edsta024 Active Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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    Even if it is nearly impossible, from the things I have read, I will still be glad to play this game and try to see my friends in it.
    From what I understand everyone will be playing in the same universe regardless pc or ps4.
    However, I have not found anything exact on the multiplayer.
    I am looking forward to it.
  15. edsta024

    edsta024 Active Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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    What you runnin now? Could any be used with the new pc? GPU, PSU, case? Anything like that? Depends on the board your runnin now I suppose.

    Show Spoiler

    maybe I will update the specs for my shiz on the build thread.
  16. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Uhh, super Best Buy stock model w/ AMD 8core APU lol. Struggles to run Elite Dangerous
  17. edsta024

    edsta024 Active Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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    If it is a laptop you are screwed as probably not up-gradable GPU. But if its Desktop just grab a lil more ram, maybe, and a newer GPU and you are ready to rock. You gotta be running DDR3 ram if 8 core AMD, usually.
  18. edsta024

    edsta024 Active Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    This is my PC
  20. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    It is no wonder your PC struggles playing those games, you are running with integrated graphics. To much of a load on your CPU having to do all the heavy lifting with no support. Get yourself a decent graphics card to help it out and you will notice a huge improvement.

    Though you will have to make sure when you are shopping for one to keep in mind you only have a 300 power supply unit. If you want to get a good graphics card you may have to upgrade to a 500+ PSU to provide enough power to everything.
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