1.9 Singleplayer Pictures

Discussion in 'Pictures' started by Embrosa, Mar 1, 2016.

  1. Embrosa

    Embrosa New Member

    Feb 14, 2015
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    SinglePlayer 1.9.png So, I wanted to start something where you can show pictures from your 1.9 single player worlds, share the seed, or even what you had accomplished. I found this cool world full of many different biomes when I spawned in. Seed: 5965768155884256617.
    Trust me it looks better if you see it yourself. :p
  2. Greenjuice

    Greenjuice Member

    Dec 17, 2014
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    I made a 1.9 SP world some time ago in the snapshots, mostly to see what the changes to combat were like. When making that world I also messed around a bit with advanced world gen options, to make the terrain a bit more interresting. While exploring I took some pictures, which I guess I might as well post here.

    Pictures (open)

    2015-12-21_14.31.41.png 2015-12-21_14.56.49.png 2015-12-27_14.22.36.png 2015-12-27_15.19.45.png

    I thought I took more, but these were the only ones I found that weren't just co-ords. I could load it up and take some pictures of the house I build, but honestly I'd rather go play some more SUPERHOT :)
  3. Embrosa

    Embrosa New Member

    Feb 14, 2015
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    I was mining, but when I got home, I put all my stuff in a small chest. But then came lag. I logged out of minecraft, and when I came back, I found myself back in the cave I was mining in. Killed my self to get home and next thing I saw was very strange. It still had all my stuff in my inventory and in the chest. So now I have duplicated items, apparently. And this was only the first mining trip I had in this world. Glitch.png
    #3 Embrosa, Mar 22, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016